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(Council Incumbent) Jon Feichter

Waynesville NC Municipal Alderman/Mayor Voter Guide
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(Council Incumbent) Jon Feichter

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Jon Feichter won Waynesville Alderman in 2019
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Last edited by Forum Member on Wed Jul 19, 2023 11:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jon Feichter

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It would be difficult to consider continuation of Feichter for his vote to create an "Affordable Housing Crisis". There were no citizens asking for Affordable Housing. (The record shows one member of Down Home NC asked for affordable housing -- the same group that gives out needles if that tells you something.) Feichter was either duped or actually wanted what's too close to public housing projects popping up all over Waynesville now from his support of Waynesville Planning Director Elizabeth Teague: ... 20full.pdf

The Comprehensive Land Use Plan was a FAILURE to represent the input from voters but instead took input from non-profits, left-leaning agendas, and cherry picked people. Feichter failed to recognize this stacking of the deck against the people of Waynesville. (Incidentally the same foundational failure the Homeless Task Force had in that it did not include citizen interests -- which Feichter was at least vocal about proposing a small improvement for that.)
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Last edited by Forum Member on Fri Mar 03, 2023 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jon Feichter

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One might wonder if Feichter is calling for Affordable Housing because there is a Feichter on the board of Mountain Projects? Has the appearance of a conflict of interest. Citizens are not asking for Affordable Housing. It's the Down Home NC people that ask for that. Seemingly the non-profits also want more affordable housing (dependent class) to serve and one wonders who this Feichter is on the Mountain Projects board who might have influence with Alderman Feichter. ... aynesville
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Re: Jon Feichter

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Jon Feichter indeed has a mother named Elizabeth Feichter. aka Libba Feichter. Presumably the same who sits on the board of Mountain Projects. Jon would indeed be conflicted.
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Re: (Council Incumbent) Jon Feichter

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The most impressive of the incumbents at the candidate forum. It's been acknowledged even by Jon's opponents that he does listen to the voters. And in Jon's performance at the candidate forum Jon made it clear he takes pride in that kind of representation. Having watched how Jon is challenged over the years and learning his family history in the community, it does not surprise me that Jon will ALWAYS be an advocate for housing issues. Perhaps even to a fault. Unfortunately for Jon, there needs to be some tough-love for housing issues. All of the low-income housing that's approved and not yet built, all the out-of-town homeless that we're attracting and want to house in the community, all of the growing-in-favor high-density land use policies, and all of the non-profit perspective of what should be taken out of the taxpayer pockets to help their cause will require more spine than Jon is likely willing to have. Building green communities at extra expense will only hurt Waynesville.

This is the kind of stuff that Waynesville ought not to be deciding to invest while taking the money to fund it out of the taxpayers' pockets:

Feichter also suggested the town get on board the solar movement to help stem the tide of global warming. The town could start by installing solar panels on some of its own facilities.

Also on the clean energy front, Feichter proposed jumping on board the electrical vehicle movement with the installation of fast chargers. Fast charging stations will increasingly be sought out by tourists in the not-to-distant future and would be a selling point for the town, as well as a way to bolster the town's electrical bottom line by selling the power used at charging stations.

"I really want the town to be a leader in clean energy and let's be bold," Feichter said. ... fY6IRdHJOo
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