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Town Planner Elizabeth Teague has an Agenda to Destroy the Town of Waynesville and Haywood County

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 10:55 am
by Forum Member
Town Planner Elizabeth Teague is not for the citizens of the Town of Waynesville. She works for the Developer, to bring as many condo's, apartments and tract housing to our town to complete the agenda. Smart Growth is "Infill" (apartments and condo's in place of privately owned homes so we will all ride bikes and walk to work), and the end of "Urban Sprawl" (living in the country with two gas powered cars in the garage). Elizabeth Teague came to Waynesville with the disgraced prior Town Manager Marcy Oneil and the fired Town of Waynesvile attorney Bill Cannon, who was caught disparaging citizens who spoke at Aldermen Meetings. Citizens were exposing the Homeless Task Force Director Amy Murphy-Nugen for being a member of the far left Super PAC Down Home and their Marxist policy arm People's Action with a plan of building LOW BARRIER SHELTERS all over town. Elizabeth Teague was the first person in the Town of Waynesville's Government to mention LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS,with a plan to add them to the Land Development Standards. Citizens came to the Planning Board Meeting to stop her. The Planning Board tabled the motion but never voted against it. Elizabeth Teague has never lived in the Town of Waynesville but she intends to model it after her City of Asheville's She will never stop until citizens stand up and say ENOUGH! Read the Smart Growth Agenda and the People's Action Agenda, for the Government to own our privately owned homes, our banking system and our corporations because they hate Capitalism and free trade.

Three of the Town of Waynesville Aldermen, Chuck Dickson, Anthony Sutton and Jon Feichter follow the platform of the Super PAC Down Home and People's Action so they stack the Planning Board with members who will vote for their agenda. They were forced to put three citizens with common sense on the Planning Board but they don't have enough votes to make a difference. The Town of Waynesville Aldermen support Helping Hands Nicole Kott with money to build LOW BARRIER NO RULES HOMELESS SHELTERS in Maggie Valley!

Citizens cringe when they drive past the old Bi-Lo monstrosity apartment complex being built on Russ Avenue and the thought of over 1000 apartments and condos being built in the Town of Waynesville over the next two years while Elizabeth Teague smiles with pleasure. Over 2000 more cars and 4000 more people in town will be a disaster.

Town Planner Elizabeth Teague and the Town of Waynesville Attorney Martha Sharpe Bradley, who worked with disgraced Attorney Bill Cannon, are suing citizens of the Town of Waynesville with our own taxpayer money, who try to stand against anything they do to accomplish their goals. Land between property owners are being stolen by the Town of Waynesville when property owners try to take legal posession of unclaimed property between land owners to stop these large developments. They even have Sheri Rogers, Haywood County Register of Deeds, sued because she recorded the legal deeds.

Elizabeth Teague directed the Planning Board and Aldermen to end the old Quasi Judicial approval process of large scale development, where citizens had a voice, and replaced it with the "rubber stamp" Administrative process, so citizens couldn't say no to her agenda. Elizabeth Teague and The Town of Waynesville Aldermen are supposed to allow appeals of Administrative decisions to the Zoning Board of Adjustments as stated in the NC 160D law below, but they are forcing citizens to go straight to Superior Court for costly appeals they can't afford. ... decisions/

Elizabeth Teague is the Ice Queen of Greenway's paths and the Rail-to-trails land grab with a plan to take over as much property in Haywood County for government control as possible. Town Planner Elizabeth Teague is the most dangerous person in the Town of Waynesville, along with the Aldermen who go along with her evil plan. The County Commissioners are being deceived by her Greenways plan that can take your property by eminent domain.

The Town of Waynesville now has a moratorium on any more new large development projects being built until 2025 because of the failed sewer system fiasco. This is the year to vote for a new administration! We need Aldermen who are on the side of preserving the Town we love! Come out and vote in November 2023 for someone you believe will stand against Elizabeth Teague, and this far left agenda that has destroyed the City of Asheville. We don't want it here! Don't Asheville our Waynesville and Haywood County! Together we can save our town and county!

What is the Socialist

Who are Down Home, People's Action and the Sunrise Movement?