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Planning Board Purpose

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 8:42 pm
by Forum Member
Why does a Planning Board exist? The Planning Board is comprised of appointed members of the community. How many of these questions can you answer correctly?

1. What is a group of community members supposed to do on the Planning Board?
2. Whose interests are ensured with a group of community members having authority?
3. How does a Planning Board organize and drive their purpose?
4. Who gets to judge if the Planning Board does their jobs effectively? (Hint: It is who can fire or unappoint the Planning Board member. The Planning Board member is an agent/representative of whoever can fire them.)
5. If the Planning Board and a Planning Director are two different entities, how might one attempt to influence or control the other? (If push comes to shove, how would the decision be made if it came down to a Planning Board member or a Planning Director needed to be excused?)
6. Between the Planning Board and Planning Director, who has ultimate authority?
7. Who gets to orient and tell the Planning Board how they should perform their duties?
8. Would the Town Attorney side with the Board or with the Director in slanted advice? (Oh, this is where intimidation and Deep State manifests.)