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Fire Current Town Council! Special Called Meeting to Address Problems with the Waynesville Land Development Standards

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2023 11:39 pm
by Forum Member
A big meeting was held today in the Town of Waynesville to address concerns the citizens have had about their town over the past few years with over 1000 apartment, condo and housing units being forced on citizens of this town by Town Planner Elizabeth Teague and the current Board of Aldermen.

In the prior years every single large scale development project approval meeting has been filled to the brim with upset people trying to protect their old established neighborhoods from this group of uncaring government officials. After it was discovered Elizabeth Teague misled the Planning Board and Aldermen, by forcing them to change the way large scale development projects were approved, from Quasi Judicial that gives citizens a choice, to Administrative where citizens don't have a voice and the development is approved with a rubber stamp.

At one point in 2022, a group of citizens were asked to bring their recommendations to the Planning Board, and after the hard work of the citizens, not one recommended change was made or even acknowledged. The Planning Board and Aldermen were supposed to allow the Zoning Board to hear appeals of Administrative decisions, but they even denied citizens the right to appeal, requiring them to go directly to costly Superior Court.

At the meeting today, the Planning Board and Aldermen came together to allow a chance for the citizens to speak and voice their concerns. They brought snacks and drinks and prepared for the citizen comment section, allowing almost an hour for three minutes each speaker. Not one single citizen of the Town of Waynesville came to the meeting to speak. Why was that they asked? Because the citizens of this town have been ignored, and disrespected over and over, without any changes, while Elizabeth Teage and the Aldermen were doing anything to this town they wanted to do, so now the citizens are biding their time. November can't come soon enough. ... -28-23.pdf ... educed.pdf