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Janet Presson's response to Lying Smoky Marxist News Cory Villaincourt's April 26, 2023 Articles

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 2:55 pm
by Forum Member
Janet Presson, RN, M.Ed., vaccine injury specialist, is continually doxxed and lied about in Smoky Marxist News articles written by Cory Villaincourt. In her presentations, she is detailed and factual. Vaccine injuries are real and many medical professionals and scientific researchers are posting the truth about these dangerous experimental vaccines. This is not a conspiracy theory!

This letter was written in response to two articles written by Cory Vallancourt in the Smoky Mountain News, dated April 26, 2023, entitled Commissioner's tax troubles go deeper than previously reported, and It's an honor system- public records statue has troubling gap.

To the Editor:

Journalism used to be an honorable profession but, over the past two decades or so, has become a cesspool of inaccuracies, censorship, and propaganda. Apparently here in our local area the Smoky Mountain News is leading the way and Cory Vaillancourt is the lead jester. Cory’s recent articles demonstrate his inability to accurately and impartially report critical information SMN readers need. Instead, Cory apparently has a vendetta against our newest commissioner Terry Ramey. Readers need to know how Mr. Ramey and our other commissioners are executing the county’s business. They have a difficult budget in a challenging economy, issues with the homeless, rising crime, abundant needle litter, and the county’s largest and most important employer shutting down, among other critical items to focus on. However, Cory continues to write about Mr. Ramey’s personal life and a tax issue that is taken care of to the satisfaction of the county. Perhaps Cory can stop with the gossip and instead focus on something more important. As the “Politics Editor” he needs to cover Haywood County politics!

Cory also needs to take a few more journalism classes and be a bit more professional. He continues to bring up my name whenever he can and loves to call me names such as “anti-vaxxer” and in his latest article stated that another citizen and I “commonly espouse debunked conspiracy theories during the public comment portions of commissioner meetings”. First, I’m not a public figure, but rather a concerned citizen so it is inappropriate for him to denigrate me just because he may not agree with my opinions. I challenge Cory to debate me publicly on these “debunked conspiracy theories”. If he’s referring to my statements about the lockdowns, lack of safety or effectiveness of the Covid-19 or other vaccines, the fact that masks were completely ineffective against the virus, or my concerns about the recent health department grant funding, I stand by every one of those opinions and am ready with facts and research to prove my points.

Haywood County needs good, accurate, impartial reporting and it’s a shame SMN isn’t interesting in stepping up and providing that. Your paper is free for a reason….because it is basically worthless with his quality of work.

Janet Presson, R.N., M.Ed.

Waynesville, NC