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Madison County is Allowing the Radical Left Agenda of Suboxone In their Health Department

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2023 11:08 am
by Forum Member
The Madison County Health Department was only the second in the entire state of North Carolina to allow the drug Suboxone in their Health Department. A radical left Social Worker will give a drug addict Suboxone and free crack kits and needles called Harm Reduction but a Psychiatrist will say a drug treatment program is the only way to get off drugs. In 2021 the Corrupt Socialist Dogwood Trust awarded the Madison County Health Department $120,000 to set up the Suboxone Clinic in the Madison County Health Department. They tried to do the same thing in Haywood County but it was voted down by the County Commissioners. The Madison County Commissioners need to clean up their Health Department. The drug addict will trade one drug for another and they will also continue to use drugs and add Suboxone so they don't have withdrawl symptoms between fixes. They also sell Suboxone.

According to Dr. Melissa Robinson, in the past, health care professionals viewed maintenance therapy as a short-term option to treating opioid use disorder.
Increasingly though, MAT prescribers are seeing their patients choose to treat the medication as a long-term maintenance medication designed to bring stability back into the patients' lives.
"I have not had anyone yet that decided to come off of it that felt like they did well," said Robinson, who has served as medical director since Daly's passing last year.

Robinson also discusses putting pregnant women on Suboxone instead of getting them into treatment. The radical left Socialist believe in a drug addict continuing their addiction and even support it. Robinson makes it clear that when you start the Suboxone you don't come off of it. ... 045603002/