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Smoky Marxist News Cory Villainsnake lying About how Great Social Districts will be for Waynesville!

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 9:17 pm
by Forum Member
Cory Villainsnake can't wait for the leftist to destroy the Town of Waynesville with public drinking on the streets. His article is full of lies and he attacked the citizens that spoke out against it. Not one person voted in favor of drinking on the streets because no positives can be found. Crime and litter are at an all time high so why would anyone in their right mind think it's a good idea? What will stop vagrants from picking up discarded cups and filling them with alcohol? What about the children who live close to town?

Cory lied about the survey taken by the Downtown Waynesville Board. All of the surveys taken were employees who worked in downtown, probably bars, and the bar owners. He seems to believe the votes of citizens living in the Town of Waynesville and Haywood County don't matter. This will change the face of OUR town forever and we can weigh in on what we want in OUR town to look like.

Cory wants to brag about other cities being so successful with Social Drinking Districts. Cities are being run by radical leftist who want to defund police, make all drugs legal, no jail or bail and create a crisis so the government can solve it. Has anyone driven through Asheville lately? Cities are being overtaken by drug addicted vagrants. The only reason the Police Chief in Sylva said their crime hasn't increased is because they don't have the same vagrant and increasing crime problem Waynesville has... yet.

Town of Waynesville Police Chief David Adams isn't for it. He made the comment they had a problem with drinking in Frog Level, so why would this be a good thing? Our Haywood County Sheriff Bill Wilke wrote a great letter explaining how bad public drinking on the street would be for the Town of Waynesville. Our Mayor Gary Caldwell also spoke against it. He knows it would be bad for our town.

Cory and Anthony Sutton claim Rep. Mark Pless voted for this bill and that's also a lie. Rep. Mark Pless voted against the bill. Come to the Town of Waynesville Council meeting on June 27th to speak out against public drinking on the streets of Waynesville. ... l-district