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Poll for Citizens to Speak Out Against radical leftist Low Barrier Shelters, Needles and Suboxone in Health Department!

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 9:19 pm
by Forum Member
Here is the Opoid Settlement money survey! Every citizen needs to complete this survey. Tell your commissioners to end the Suboxone in the Madison County Health Department. When an addict starts taking Suboxone, they will continue taking it their entire life. It's just trading one drug for another. This is not's enabling. When crack kits and needles called Harm Reduction are handed out to addicts to continue their drug addicted's not treatment, it's enabling. When addicts are allowed to stay in no rules low barrier shelters without's not treatment, it's enabling. The new word for the day is stigma...which is social justice for drug addicts and making the addict feel accepted that it's perfectly ok to continue their lifestyle. This new radical left idea is killing people and making children and families watch their slow death. ... RXMVdETy4u

The Opoid Settlement money is here and Madison County Commissioners are handing out surveys to ask how they should spend the money. On the list are Low Barrier No Rules Homeless Shelters, Crack Kits and Needles called Harm Reduction, Peer Support Specialists, who put people in Low Barrier Shelters, supplied with plenty of crack kits and needles, and Suboxone in the Madison County Health Department.

The radical left Socialist call these evidence based treatments. You can see the results from these treatments in the City of Asheville where transient vagrant drug addicts have tripled and you never hear of any success stories, just an increase in crime and more enabled drug addicts.

The money should be used to send Madison County residents to good rehab facilities on a case by case basis. Taking the time to administer the money to actually help people instead of enabling addicts is not option's option B. The money can be used for Emergency Services and Drug Court, which is sending drug offenders to rehab, and if they don't stay in rehab they return to jail. A Socialist Social Worker will say enable and don't stigmatise the addict. A psychiatrist will say sending an addict to a drug free rehab is the only way to a productive, healthy drug free life. Nobody has ever recovered by taking Suboxone and Methadone. That's trading one drug for another. ... b2_fromweb

Re: Poll for Citizens to Speak Out Against radical leftist Low Barrier Shelters, Needles and Suboxone in Health Departme

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2023 9:06 am
by Forum Member
An article in the Vera Institute explains how Harm Reduction, which is the same as Hollar Harm Reduction in Madison County, hands out crack kits, and needles to drug addicts and also to DRUG DEALERS to supply with their meth, heroin and crack sales. Needle Handouts are supposed to stop AIDS and Hepatitis in drug addicts. What about the children that pick up infected discarded needles? This is a public health hazard. Harm Reduction is just another leftist idea to enable and encourage drug addiction to create a crisis so the government can solve it, like they did in Asheville. Buncombe County and Asheville handed over their drug addicted vagrant crisis to the State of NC Continuum of Care to handle. Now the state is planning to build low barrier no rules motels, supplied with crack kits and needles, all over Buncombe County. Buncombe County is the first county in the state of NC to turn over their entire county to the State of NC Continuum of Care. ... h-carolina