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Cory Villaincourt from Smoky Mountain News trying to weigh in on the Social District Hearing when he wasn't even there!

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 10:28 pm
by Forum Member
Smoky Mountain News Cory Villaincourt tried to make the negative reaction about bringing Social Drinking Districts, aka public drinking on the streets of Waynesville "political", stating it was a Republican thing. The interesting fact is, it wasn't political at all. The negative reaction came from Republicans, Democrats and Unaffilated at the "standing room only" Town of Waynesville City Council meeting, where 28 speakers spoke against it. So far, there were 3 registerd Democrats, 5 Unaffilated and 12 Republicans. There were 18 different negative posts on Council member Jon Feichter's facebook page, some from known Democrats, and Jon Feichter has stated, "it was very clear the citizens of the town of Waynesville and Haywood County did not want Social Districts of any kind at any time, and he wanted to vote the will of the people", " to kill it once and for all". The Downtown Waynesville Commission's poll only touched a few people, and it was clear, based on 28 speakers and a packed house of citizens against it, they wanted no part of drinking on the streets of Waynesville. Again, we have another proven sensational article full of lies from Cory Villaincourt at Smoky Mountain News. Did you notice, the over 400 citizens that signed a survey against social drinking on the streets of Waynesville, wasn't even mentioned?

The elephant in the room is Council member Julia Freeman, who still hasn't gotten the message, citizens don't want it, and she continues to plan to vote her own will, not the will of the people. Julia Freeman, a registered Republican is good buddies with Anthony Sutton a registerd Democrat endorsed by Marxist Down Home. They sit on the Haywood Health Trust board and give money to the Socialist Helping Hands non-profit, to send vagrant addicts to low barrier shelters in Maggie Valley. Both were in favor of low barrier no rules shelters in Waynesville and plan to put Social Drinking on the streets of Waynesville, against the will of the citizens. Democrats, Unaffilated and Republicans stood together to say no to destroying their town.

Council member Chuck Dickson is quoted in the Smoky Mountain News, it was hypocritical the Republicans voted for Social Districts but the Republicans were the citizens that didn't want it in their town. Chuck is a hipocrite and liar, and a known far leftist socialist. He has stated publicly "there is no Socialist Party". He told the Smoky Mountain News, partisanship has no place in local elections who make decisions about filling potholes. Chuck Dickson was endorsed by the Marsixt Down Home and People's Action Super PAC and hired a known Marxist and Down Home member, Amy Murphy-Nugen to put low barrier shelters all over Waynesville like restaurants. He allowed a grant to be written in the Town of Waynesville, listing the Marxist Super PAC Down Home as a "Relevant Stakeholder" on the grant! Chuck Dickson has to go. He is destroying Waynesville.

Vote Julia Freeman, Anthony Sutton and Chuck Dickson, the three most dangerous Council members, off the Town of Waynesville Council, before they totally destroy the town. They are also advocates for, which is why the town of Waynesville has over 1000 apartments and condos coming in the next two years. ... -tables-it