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WOKE WAYNESVILLE and the MARXIST SUNRISE MOVEMENT Running the Democrat Party in Haywood County

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 11:58 am
by Forum Member
Exposing the pure evil that has taken over the Haywood County Democrat Party is necessary to warn people to run from this far left radical bunch of Marxist terrorist. They used to be a party that included Moderate Blue Dog Democrats and Christian people, but the Marxist Sunrise Movement, who is made up of 105 members of the Progressive Caucus in the Democrat Congress, is running the show in Haywood County. They claim on their website they are NOT Christian people with any kind of moral or decent compass. They call themselves WOKE Waynesville and radicals Tera McIntosh and Chelsea White along with Waynesville Town Council Chuck Dickson’s wife, Sybil Mann are running the show.
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These terrorist came to the Buttered Biscuit, where decent Christian people, who care about the safety of Haywood County Citizens, and STAND AGAINST increasing crime, needle litter, drinking on the streets, low barrier no rules shelters fueled with crack kits and needles, pre-trial release, no bail, making all drugs legal, young students being taught about sex change options, biological males in female changing rooms, and biological males in female sports, expose what these radical left people plan to do to your county and towns.

WOKE Waynesville and the Marxist Sunrise Movement is actually for all of these far left agendas in your county and town. They are running your Haywood County Democrat Party, and the current Town of Waynesville Council tried to implement every single one of these far left agendas listed in the Marxist Sunrise Movement play book.

Not only have the current Waynesville Town Council tried to push all of these radical left agendas, they added, the great Real Estate Reset, with plans to build over 1000 apartments and condos in the Town of Waynesville called infill so we will all be riding bikes and electric busses. This agenda will destroy Waynesville. They removed the Quasi-Judicial process of large scale development approval, where citizens had a voice, and implemented an Administrative process of approval, where they rubber stamp large scale development and silence citizens. They even tried to build a giant apartment complex above Waynesville’s historically Black Hillside neighborhood and recently tried to force unisex bathrooms in their Obama Park.

Fire the current town of Waynesville Mayor and Council and hire a new local group of moral Christian people, who love the Town of Waynesville and want to preserve the historic heritage of our town. The current Mayor and Town Council have tried every single leftist tactic in the book to destroy our town. They gave money to fund Haywood County Helping Hands who put transient drug addict vagrants in the Maggie Valley Our Place Inn "All Cops are Bastards Motel", and they allowed a radical left Down Home member to write a grant in the name of the Town of Waynesville, listing the Political Super PAC Down Home as a stakeholder on the grant.

Vote for the new Dream Team for Town of Waynesville City Council
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The Democrat Party posted a statement against the three bills recently passed in North Carolina to protect children, on the Haywood County Democrat Party web site and quickly removed it when Haywood Happenings exposed it. It states, “To every trans or gender non-conforming youth: we see you, you belong, you belong on the sports field, in the classroom and we love you. To the NCGA Republicans attacking transgender rights, specifically targeting children: voters will hold you accountable at the ballot box.” The three common sense bills include, not addressing and labeling young children as Trans at an early age in school and letting parents know about private teacher/student conversations, not teaching about the Trans subject at an early age, not giving children younger than 18 sex change drugs or surgery, and no biological males in women’s sports.

They call themselves nice names, like WOKE Waynesville, the Sunrise Movement, Down Home, We Are WNC, Beloved Asheville, Holler Harm Reduction, Haywood County Helping Hands, Seek Healing, Misfit Mountain, among others listed on the chart below, but they are actually MARXIST Sunrise Movement, Torch ANTIFA, Firestorm Bookstore ANARCHIST OCCULT radicals planning a COMMUNIST takeover of America.

They are the same ANTIFA who carried manure in a casket to the door of the Asheville Police Department, defunded the police by over 100 police officers in Asheville, tripled the transient vagrant drug addicts, tripled the crime in Asheville, and brought in the government Continuum of Care to run the homeless crisis they created in Asheville. Buncombe County was the first county in the state of North Carolina to turn over their homeless crisis to the state of North Carolina Continuum of Care which is a HUD federally run program, so now the citizens have no voice in the number of low barrier no rules shelters fueled with crack kits and needles they plan to build everywhere in Buncombe County.

Their COMMUNIST plan is to create a crisis so the government can solve it. Piven and Cloward, and Rules for Radicals are their play books. Burning police cars, slashing tires, breaking out windows, setting fires, destroying personal property, and doxing citizens are their terrorist tactics. They will lie like dogs to terrorize and DOX people but these people DOX themselves.

All that marching and chanting while destroying towns all across America wasn’t because they wanted to help Black people, it was because they hate capitalism and free trade and plan for the government to own our corporations and businesses, banking system, and privately owned homes by the year 2030. They actually want communism in America.

It’s interesting they call decent people who just want to keep Haywood County safe“ fascist” because they are exploiting Black, Indigenous, Latino and poor people to divide races which will create a crisis to bring about communism. Since they are exploiting these races of people, they’re not only Marxist/Communist but they are also FASCIST. Do you want these people to run anything in our government? They are actually proud of the Our Place Inn, All Cops are Bastards Motel!

WOKE Waynesville is not a local group of citizens. They are from Asheville and are members of Asheville Solidarity and the Asheville Sunrise Movement. Firestorm Bookstore is the headquarters for ANTIFA and the Sunrise Movement in the entire eastern United States. They recently had a big celebration to open their new location in West Asheville by burning police cars and busting out a city council member’s car windows, and slashed her tires because she voted for a panhandling regulation and wanted to hire some police officers.