Our 2023 Municipal Elections Candidate Filing begins noon 7/7/2023 and ends noon 7/21/2023. This November Waynesville, Maggie Valley, Canton and Clyde citizens will vote in the the most important municipal elections of our lifetime for our safety, saving our towns from becoming like Asheville, and ensuring our children will grow up making great memories of Haywood County being a place where they will want to raise their own children. Now is the time to stand up and run for office if you believe you can stop the radical left from destroying our towns with low barrier homeless shelters, crack kits and needles called Harm Reduction and Pre-trial Release or no bail. We need to end the transient vagrants being welcomed with tents, cell phones, and so many comforts they have no reason to change. We need to support our police, protect our property rights, stop the uncontrolled growth of condo's and apartments, bring in good economic development, protect our mountain heritage, and spend our taxpayer money wisely.
Our future depends on good conservative leadership, great ideas and open dialog with citizens. The most important thing elected officials can do is listen to the majority of citizens and be transparent in decision making that will alter the future of Haywood County. Asheville has failed their citizens. Haywood County needs to break from Asheville's failed liberal policies and make independent decisions for the good of OUR citizens.
If you don't like where your town is headed, run for office and stand up for the good of our future!

Important Municipal Elections are Coming this November!
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