Concerned Citizens of Haywood** Waynesville Rec. Center Advisory Commission Meeting this Evening at 5:30 PM** Parents, Please Be Aware of the NC Vaccine Religious Exemption for Your Children! It's The Law!** Updated Speaker Schedule
REMINDER: NC District 11 Congressional Candidate, Christian Reagan, will speak to the Citizens this Thursday (8/24) at 5:30 PM at at The Buttered Biscuit, located at 1226 Dellwood Road Waynesville, NC.
*Be sure to Check out Haywood Happenings at:
REMINDER: Parents, please be aware that a NC Vaccine Religious Exemption is available for you and your children. It's the Law! See North Carolina General Statute 130A-157. The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) appears to show no interest in promoting this exemption to NC citizens (since they never mention it in their "Vaccine Promotional" literature). It's one of the strongest Vaccine Religious Exemptions in the U.S. ... 0a-157.pdf (NC Vaccine Religious Exemption, GS 130A-157) ... ptions.htm (NCDHHS Details the NC Vaccine Religious Exemption on their Website, but it's always omitted from their Vaccine Promotional Materials)
** For Detailed Research on the Many Reasons one should be concerned with all Vaccines, please study the Ingredients, Excipients, and Residual DNA in American Vaccines; which includes Aborted Human Fetal DNA, Monkey Kidney DNA, Cocker Spaniel DNA, and Cancer Tumor DNA, just to name a few. (Details on Mammalian/Human/Rodent/Porcine/Canine Cell Lines in U.S. Vaccines) ... c3b76#p349 (Vaccine Terms, Ingredients, Excipients and Residual DNA)
Updated Speaker Schedule:
8/24 Christian Reagan (Candidate U.S. Congress, District 11)
8/31 Stephanie Sutton, Peggy Hannah, Tre Franklin, Joey Reece (Conservative Candidates for Town of Waynesville City Council and Mayor)
9/07 Kevin Ensley (Haywood County Commissioner Chairman)
Brandon Rogers (Haywood County Commissioner Vice Chairman)