What happened on Election Day with Town of Waynesville voters? In the Town of Waynesville non-partisian elections we discovered party does make a difference...not the failed policies of the incumbents. Maybe citizens are still in the dark about the past failed policies of the current city council because they didn't broadcast meetings, stopped posting ordinance changes in the newspaper, cut wording in the minutes to the bare minimum to deceive citizens, never answered citizens questions or complaints, and even removed minutes from the Town of Waynesville web site if they wanted to keep the meeting secret. Also, both newpapers in our county, Smoky Mountain News and the Mountaineer, falsely called the Team Waynesville candidates liars to mislead and persuad constituents to vote for their candidates...the incumbents.
https://haywoodtp.net/pubII/231118Final ... alysis.pdf

Monroe Miller's Waynesville Municipal Elections Analysis
Investigative/Watchdog stuff
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