Act Blue states "We’re proud to build the fundraising tools that thousands of groups and millions of grassroots donors use to make their voices heard to transform power structures in our country". This is a fundraiser for the Congressional Progressive Caucus aka The Marxist Sunrise Movement to bring about communism in America.
Since 2020 they have become a radical left fundraising platform for the Sunrise Movement to raise money for Marxist candidates to run for office and far left protests and causes.
Progressive left money man, Alex Soros, son of George Soros, is driving this Marxist money train. ... n-heats-up
If you support any of these groups you are promoting the radical left plan for communism in America. ... your-site/ ... ing-groups ... yed-donors
Marxist George Soros ... activities

ACT BLUE is a National Fundraiser promoting Communism in America
What a tangled web...
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