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Police Blotter

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Police Blotter

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The Waynesville Police Department should publish their calls for service just like UNC Police do:

This should be done because:
a) It's good public policy to have transparency (What's to hide? The funding to publish the report is there if it's made more of a priority than some of the funding donated to non-profit orgs.)
b) It would help form public opinion of the effectiveness of the WPD (How would you know if the WPD is doing a good job if you don't call the police?)
c) It would help form public opinion of the effectiveness of the Judicial system (How would you know if crime is happening because the WPD isn't doing their jobs or the judges aren't doing their jobs?)
d) The public would have well-founded opinions of trends in crime statistics (People living in a gated community likely have a different perspective than people living in Hazelwood.)
e) It would curtail rumor about what is and is not happening in town (There are statements from "officials" that crime isn't a problem. But what does that mean?)
f) It would take (mis)representations of facts out of the control of elected people and town managers. (What happens when the WPD and those who control their budget disagree on "facts"?)

The NC Offender Registry lists 1016 offenders with a location of "Haywood County". What about other crime statistics? How about how many arrests for drugs? Prostitution? How many repeat offenders? Cherry picking statistics isn't a good strategy to inform the public. "Lies of Omission" is a thing here.
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Re: Police Blotter

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