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Town of Waynesville Aldermen Adding Another 84 Affordable Apartments and WOKE Social Workers to Shadow Police

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 12:13 am
by Forum Member
Did you know Town Planner Elizabeth Teague and the Town of Waynesville Aldermen are adding another huge 84 unit affordable housing apartment complex behind Ingles on the hill? Have you noticed the monstrosity being built where Bi-Lo was located on Russ Avenue? There is no end to this madness and our town is being destroyed right before our eyes.

Posted below is the Waynesville Board of Aldermen meeting for Tuesday, January 24th at 6:00 pm, in the Town Hall Board Room located at 9 S. Main Street, Waynesville. The Aldermen will be voting on moving forward with this huge apartment complex tomorrow night.

Apparently, the large affordable housing apartment complex behind the Indian Motorcycle dealership fell through and the town is using the sewer allotment from that project on this new giant affordable housing apartment complex behind Ingles. Aldermen Chuck Dickson probably didn't want it on his end of town. The proposed development will be called Balsam Edge. Citizens were relieved when a moratorium was placed on any further large scale development because of the sewer system failure.

The Aldermen also plan to approve $8,825 for Stewart Engineering to facilitate a meeting between the Aldermen and Planning Board to discuss possible changes to the current zoning and density that citizens have tried to address over the past two years of uncontrolled growth in the Town of Waynesville. Remember Elizabeth Teague misled the Planning Board into changing large scale development project approvals from Quasi Judicial to Administrative, which was a rubber stamp for approvals and took away citizen input.

Also, Sneaky Aldermen Chuck Dickson is at it again with his Socialist agenda. At the last meeting he reported he will be facilitating a meeting between Katherine Allen, a Social Work Professor at Western Carolina University, and Police Chief Adams. The meeting will be about potentially having social work interns assist the Police Department. Everyone should be outraged at Dickson's move to bring his WOKE philosophy to our Waynesville Police Department. Our police Department is doing a great job and they don't need a social worker tagging along behind them and trying to tell them how to do their job. Remember Western Carolina University Social Work Professor Amy-Murphy Nugen and her Socialist agenda?

Chuck Dickson is planning to run again for Alderman and he, along with radical left Anthony Sutton and Jon Feichter, were endorsed by far left Down Home and the Marxist group People's Action. Chuck Dickson is the one who brought in Amy Murphy-Nugen to destroy our town with low barrier homeless shelters supplied with crack kits and needles called Harm Reduction. Chuck Dickson also demanded Chief Adams to drag citizens from the Aldermen meeting if they weren't wearing masks. Chief Adams declined. ... 20Full.pdf

Meet Katy (Catherine ) Allen, who works in the same Department as the Socialist/Marxist Amy Murphy-Nugen. She plans to send her Social Work students over to Haywood County to assist our Town of Waynesville Police officers. Our police officers will not be critiqued by social work students who only want to defund and humiliate them as they try to protect and defend us against criminals. We Back the Blue and say it loud and proud! ... ation.aspx ... niversity/

Asheville Police have been degraded and have low morale. Why would we allow our police officers to interact with Socialist Social Workers who hate police? The radical left Asheville City Council defunded the police and implemented the re-imagining public safety initative. The Community Safety Initative is moving toward people becoming comfortable working with the police, "not having fear or anything like that". These radical left WOKE communist policies are destroying cities and towns all across America. ... 784424007/