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County Commissioners COVID 19 Vaccine pushing Grant Monday February 6th! Did they really allot $5000 to PPE as promised?

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 3:08 pm
by Forum Member
Posted below is the County Commissioner Budget Allotment for the $75,735 COVID Pushing Grant Money. Does the $5,000 allotted to Special Program Materials sound like the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) "face masks" that Health Department Mark Jaben and Sarah Henderson promised the citizens of Haywood County or does it sound like literature printed to push the COVID 19 Vaccine?
https://legistarweb-production.s3.amazo ... eeting.pdf

Call to Action posted below!

Recording of February 6th 2023 County Commissioners Meeting

County Commissioners pushing COVID 19 Vaccine Monday Feb 6th Commissioners Meeting

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2023 10:12 pm
by Forum Member
After much discussion, County Commissioners voted to accept the COVID 19 Vaccine pushing grant, after Ramey forced the Health Department personnel to publicly announce they wouldn't push the vaccine. Commissioner Terry Ramey held Haywood County Health Director, Sara Henderson and Mark Jaben's feet to the fire in reference to the grant wording about increasing vaccine confidence and removing obstacles, and vaccine hesitancy. Henderson stated $70,000 of the grant was earmarked for salaries and the other $5000 would be for personal protective equipment like masks. Terry Ramey wanted them to put it in writing and continued discussion until they finally agreed to meet with Janet Presson so citizens could feel confident the vaccine wouldn't be pushed on anyone who hadn't heard about the risks. Terry Ramey was mentioned this morning on KISS FM and was commended as the only commissioner who stood against the vaccine pushing grant, held the Health Department accountable, and demanded full transparancy. More than 30 citizens spoke out against accepting the grant and many had stories about themselves or family members who had been affected by the experimental COVID Vaccine. Citizens came prepared with documented research and personal stories. These citizens represented the 60 percent of voters in this county who are sick of the vaccine being pushed down their throat and people loosing their jobs because they don't want to take the vaccine. Posted below is the recording of the meeting. This story isn't over yet. Read Janet Presson, R.N.,M.Ed., letter posted below. Thank you to everyone who came to speak!

February 7, 2023

I just want to share a few thoughts about what happened at yesterday’s Haywood County Commissioners Meeting.

First, I want to thank everyone who showed and spoke out or sat in the audience and supported us by clapping and cheering. I think everyone was stunned at the number of people who were there on a Monday morning at 9am-definitely NOT typical! This was a grassroots effort that was encouraged in a few places but not a coordinated effort. I didn’t know probably half the people who spoke yesterday against the grant funding. It’s very clear and becoming clearer every day that many in our county are not happy with the performance or behavior of those who run our health department and I’ll encourage everyone to continue to speak out.

While it may feel like we “lost” yesterday as the commissioners voted to accept the grant funding, we didn’t. I think the commissioners got a very clear lesson that many citizens are unhappy with both the health department management and with the commissioners themselves. I think Dr. Jaben, Sarah Henderson, Ira Dove, and Bryant Morehead also saw just how committed we are to watching them closely in the future and holding them accountable as needed. They will need to be supremely careful what they do and say in the future as they know MANY are now paying attention. They had clearly spent time with each of the commissioners ahead of time and stressed the narrative that this money had already been spent on personnel expenses and that this grant would just reimburse them for money that had already been expended.

Finally, Commissioner Ramey has committed to arranging a meeting between Dr. Jaben, Sarah Henderson, and several of us so that we can sit down and try to come to an agreement that is satisfactory for all. I’d encourage everyone to go back and watch the video from yesterday as it is funny, interesting, and easier to see things that might have been missed during the actual meeting. Ramey, while he did vote to accept the funding, forced Jaben and Henderson to commit publicly meet with us to see if we can’t all come to an agreement on the actions of the health department immunization clinic. We need to make certain that they honor what they said to the commissioners and to the public and not what is actually included in the grant funding agreement.

Again, THANKS SO MUCH and it is an honor to work with you all to try to make Haywood County a better, safer place to live!!!!!

Janet Presson, R.N., M.Ed.

The Mountaineer's left leaning article about the COVID 19 Vaccine pushing grant. Citizens have a meeting planned with the Health Department to verify the money was spent on PPE and salaries instead of pushing the COVID 19 Vaccine on citizens. This is an evolving story. We will keep you updated. ... 1d7e7.html