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Sign the Petition to stop Gov Cooper's veto of three bills to protect women & children from trans and sexuality agendas

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2023 11:33 pm
by Forum Member

Dear State Legislators,
I am writing to urge you to stand firm against efforts to dismantle society as we know it. I feel strongly that you must vote to override Governor Cooper’s veto of HB808, SB49, and HB574.

My family values are not discriminatory, and I expect my elected representatives to help defend them.

HB808 will protect boys and girls from medical experimentation that attempts to alter their biological sex using puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and surgery. Society has a responsibility to protect children from harm. I do not believe there is enough data to prove that sex changes can be done successfully and without grave physical and mental harm. Once people reach the age of 18, they can vote, marry and enlist in the military. Not until they are no longer minors should they be granted permission to make such a life-changing decision.

SB49 gives parents more control over their children's education. Opponents have attempted to mislead the public into believing that the bill exclusively blocks any mention of gay people and their allies to children in K-4 classes. That is a lie intended to manipulate people who have not read the bill! Yes, the bill DOES block instruction on sexuality, sexual activity, and gender identity. However, it does not single out gay people and their allies. Instruction about straight sex is also blocked. These are simply not subjects for 5–10-year-old children.

HB574 ensures that girls have the right to compete against their biological peers. I do not believe they should be forced to compete against boys who ridiculously claim to be girls. Opponents of HB574 appear to require that we subscribe to a belief that biological sex has nothing to do with physical attributes. They attempt to bully us into reversing beliefs which are grounded in science and adopt ones based on emotion. I urge you to override Cooper’s veto of HB574 so that boys are not allowed to rob girls of opportunities they deserve.

Those who oppose these bills appear to believe that my values are suddenly incorrect. I feel that they are attempting to dismantle my beliefs and replace them with beliefs that I do not share. I urge you to stand firm against these efforts and vote to override Governor Cooper’s veto of HB808, SB49, and HB574. Thank you for your time and consideration.

CALL TO ACTION: Governor Cooper dipped his pen in the veto ink again to defy the will of North Carolinians. And not once, but thrice.
Rather than side with women, children, families, and fairness, the Governor chose to veto our “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act,” “Parents Bill of Rights,” and “Gender Transition/Minors” bill.
North Carolinians are fed up with government schools and so-called medical professionals who advance the transgender agenda to the detriment of children. Children are being indoctrinated in schools, girls are being denied a level playing field in sports, and minors are being chemically and surgically castrated to advance a dangerous LGBTQ agenda that the majority of the public does not support.
Instead of siding with 70% of North Carolinians on protecting women’s sports from biological males stealing their opportunities, or with the 80% calling for transparency in schools, or shielding children from medical activists, Governor Cooper has sided with the small, but loud radical left.
If you agree, would you join us in contacting your state legislators, and asking them to vote to OVERRIDE Governor Cooper’s VETO? With our time-saving tool, it will only take you a minute or two:

Ask Legislators to override “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act” veto.
Ask Legislators to override “Parents Bill of Rights” veto.
Ask Legislators to override “Gender Transition/Minors” veto.
Your legislators are getting an earful from LGBT activists from across the country for making a bold stance on our pro-values issues. They need our support, as well as our encouragement, to override the Governor’s veto. Would you consider clicking the three links above to thank and contact your legislators today?

Re: Sign the Petition! Governor Cooper stands against women, children and families by vetoing three much needed bills!

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 6:36 pm
by Forum Member