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Waynesville Mayor and Council members vote to remove guideline to give address to APPEASE Asheville far left radicals

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 4:59 pm
by Forum Member ... aff6c.html
Good riddance to leftist Mountaineer staff writer, Peyton Renegar, Vicki Hyatt's mini- me. So far all of her articles have been left leaning and conservative disparaging.

Radical Marxist who love to educate young children on Trans sex change options, came to Waynesville's July 25 Council meeting, giving fake and incorrect addresses because they were mostly from Asheville. They are radical left Sunrise Movement members, called up by the far left mostly Asheville members of WOKE Waynesville. The cover picture on the Asheville's WOKE Waynesville page shows the Town of Waynesville council meeting of July 25th. There are 901 members and no new members in the last week. Tera McIntosh, who is quoted in the Mountaineer article, " I will continue to speak at Waynesville Council meetings", states on her facebook page she lives in Asheville. These out of town people gave the Town of Waynesville Mayor and Council marching orders to change the guidelines they've used for years, having speakers state their name and address and they jumped like puppets on a string to appease this racial leftist bunch. The council voted the following meeting to take away the address and phone number requirement to give the Asheville Marxist Sunrise Movement a win.

The Town of Waynesville Mayor and Council members have repeatedly called regular citizens back to the mike to repeat their address when they were speaking againt this council's four year nighmare of radical leftist policy they've tried time and time again to implement. Attorney Martha Bradley came from the same office as fired, disgraced Attorney Bill Cannon. Remember he was fired because he disparaged citizens and posted comments on his twitter page, he saw citizens speaking against their radical left agendas, as German Nazis. Martha Bradley takes pleasure in calling back speakers to repeat their address, to either point out they don't live in the town of Waynesville, or to try to make them a target of the radical left Sunrise Movement. You can tell what the mindset of this mayor and council are by their choice of attorneys and the policy they've try to implement.

The headquarters for the Marxist Sunrise Movement is the Firestorm Bookstore and they've burned two police cars and sliced tires and busted windows out of the Asheville City council member's cars, all within this last week. These people are the meanest of the mean.
viewtopic.php?t=509&sid=81ae5e62974328f ... dca5547205

Posted below is a list of the speakers including Marxist Down Home/Peoples Action Chelsea White, Beck Martens,the program director of Youth Outright who target children thought to be trans, and radical leftist Veronica Ethereal who gave the Bethel House as her address and pushes crack kits and needles for drug dealers and addicts. Five trans people spoke about how careful and respectful they are around children, but they have no problem with a person with a penis undressing in front of little girls in a female changing room.

Beck Martens program director of Youth Outright targets children thought to be trans
Beware of parental rights being taken away and the life changing health decision to give young children hormone blockers to become trans ... AYQAvD_BwE

Chelsea White and numerous Sunrise Movement anarchist activist lied about their address. ... ddress.pdf ... dByTOW.pdf
Monroe Miller's investigation proving Jess Scott and the two little girls were telling the truth about the man in the womens locker room. ... yPart6.pdf

The Mountaineer wrote an article clearing Jess Scott and the two little girls. The Town of Waynesville Mayor and Town Council called them liars, along with the radical bunch of Marxist Sunrise Movement members. ... e_8ba73c7a

Thank you to our Haywood County Watchdog "Toeprints" who exposed this radical left bunch. Local citizens stayed away from the council meeting on July 25th, because they knew it would be a bloodbath, with the current council's "friends group" coming to the meeting.