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Ignorant ETSU students support communist Sunrise Movement's "Party for Socialism and Liberation"

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Ignorant ETSU students support communist Sunrise Movement's "Party for Socialism and Liberation"

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Ignorant college kids are holding signs made by the communist Sunrise Movement group, "Party for Socialism and Liberation" thinking they are marching against racism and zionism but the same group marches at college campuses against Israel. The radical left is using college kids to build their Marxist army.

They also march against climate change..a front to bring about communism. ... 570262007/ ... ses-biden/

Students at East Tennessee State University and others gathered to march in protest of Kyle Rittenhouse on Thursday evening. The protest came just a few hours before Kyle spoke at the Brinkley Center for a Turning Point USA event, which is a conservative student-led group on campus. ... MAIL_ID%5D ... ttenhouse/
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