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John Rich offers free concert and Keri Lake offers paid Internship to UNC Chapel Hill Students who Saved the US Flag

Posted: Fri May 03, 2024 2:58 pm
by Forum Member
It’s going to be quite the party at the University of North Carolina thanks to nearly half a million dollars donated in honor of the fraternity brothers who protected a U.S. flag from protesters on Tuesday. Country music star John Rich reached out to the frat bros.

“When I saw the guys at UNC holding that flag up, making sure it did not hit the ground, it told me a lot about them,” said musician John Rich. He was so impressed that he offered to perform for free at whatever party eventually took place.

“We’re gonna call the show ‘Flagstock.’ It’s gonna be an absolute blast, man,” Rich told NewsNation’s “On Balance” Thursday. “We may have to write a specific song about it.” ... ok%20place.

Arizona Republican U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake extended a paid summer internship to the fraternity brothers who defended the U.S. flag during the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill protests, where pro-Palestinian demonstrators attempted to remove it.

In her X post, she wrote, “If any of these GREAT Young Men want a PAID summer internship with my campaign, consider yourself HIRED. Reach out to me, or someone on my team, and we’ll ensure your resume is at the top of the stack, with my approval attached to it.” ... 024/05/03/

Our next Governor Mark Robinson weighs in on the assault of the American Flag