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Haywood County Mountain Values Grass Roots
INTERACTIVE MAP: Interesting Organizations and Stakeholders
REMINDER: Haywood County Commissioner Tommy Long will speak to us tomorrow evening (7/28/22) at 5:30 PM at The Buttered Biscuit, located at 1226 Dellwood Rd. Waynesville, NC.
For new people on our e-mail list and for anyone who missed this information previously, please study and share the links below in preparation for Commissioner Long's presentation tomorrow evening. The Haywood County Commissioners no longer fund Needle Exchanges in Haywood County, however, NC Harm Reduction is still promoting free needles for Haywood County drug addicts and lists the Haywood County Health Department as a fixed exchange site while also offering mobile delivery service. Per their current website, NC Harm Reduction still offers free drug needles, crack smoking kits, condoms, and sex worker (prostitute) brochures. Each local distributor is required by law to report all needles distributed and returned. The Citizens should have access to these annual reports.
https://www.nchrc.org/sites/down-home-nc/ (Haywood County drug users can call here to arrange a mobile needle exchange)
https://www.nchrc.org/sites/nc-harm-reduction-coalition/ (Fixed site needle exchange is listed as the Haywood County Health Department, 157 Paragon Parkway, Unit 800 Clyde, NC 28721 on 1st Monday of month 1:00-4:00 pm)
(Mobile exchange available throughout Haywood County on Tuesdays, 12:00-3:00 pm)
They also distribute the following drug paraphernalia items, along with informational brochures in Haywood County.
https://www.nchrc.org/harm-reduction/crack-use/ (Crack Smoking Kits)
https://www.nchrc.org/harm-reduction/safer-injection-drug-use/ (Needles with brochures detailing the best ways to inject)
https://www.nchrc.org/harm-reduction/safer-sex-work/ (Details the best ways to operate as a prostitute... with some interesting advice)
https://www.nchrc.org/harm-reduction/harm-reduction-trans-health/ (Details how transgender rights are a core value of NC Harm Reduction)
https://www.ncdhhs.gov/divisions/public-health/north-carolina-safer-syringe-initiative/sep-annual-reporting-form (Local Needle Program Distributor Reporting Form)
Informational Resources:
Concerned Citizens of Haywood, Speaker Schedule for the next few weeks.
7/28 Tommy Long, Haywood County Commissioner
A representative from Ninevah Baptist Church will speak a few minutes prior to Commissioner Long's comments
8/4 Bill Wilke, Candidate for Haywood County Sheriff (R)
Ms. Ferguson of Ferguson Supply Store in Fines Creek will speak a few minutes prior to Sheriff Candidate Bill Wilke's comments
8/11 Mike Clampitt, NC House 119 Congressmen
We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow evening at The Buttered Biscuit. Please bring a lot of questions and invite a friend.
*We want to thank Janet Presson RN M.Ed. for speaking to us last Thursday. We had a great turnout, and it was an extremely informative meeting! We're looking forward to a future debate between Janet and Dr. Jaben.
REMINDER: Haywood County Sheriff Candidate Larry Bryson will speak to us this Thursday (7/21/22) at 5:30 PM at The Buttered Biscuit, located at 1226 Dellwood Rd. Waynesville, NC. Mr. Bryson is the only Haywood County Sheriff Candidate who's not yet completed our Scorecard/Questionnaire. Thursday evening will be a great time for him to answer these very important questions. His opponent, Haywood County Sheriff Candidate Bill Wilke, answered our Scorecard/Questionnaire promptly and thoroughly. Please find attached a link to haywoodhappenings.org and read all of the Haywood County Sheriff Candidate's responses to our Scorecard/Questionnaire. Also, please find a link to a blank Scorecard/Questionnaire for easy reference.
Concerned Citizens of Haywood Scorecard/Questionnaire with candidate's responses, located at: http://haywoodhappenings.org/
Concerned Citizens of Haywood-Blank Scorecard/Questionnaire: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdq7hgUeW5be9mtfRw6fR-3at3XEyQBcKxXpkhxVT8DVAR87Q/viewform
Please remember that the Waynesville Police Department recently revealed, to the Citizens, that Haywood County has ranked #1 in unintended OPIOID Deaths per capita, in North Carolina, for the last 7 years in a row….And they believe the Pre-Trial Release, Needle Exchange, and Harm Reduction Programs are primary contributors...
-Waynesville's CRIME INDEX is the worst in North Carolina….CRIME INDEX SCALE is 100-1 (100- the SAFEST / 1- the most UNSAFE)
Waynesville 1, Asheville 1, Canton 2, Maggie Valley 3, Charlotte 7, Raleigh 20, Winston Salem 68, Fayetteville 6, Durham 4, Atlanta GA 5, Hendersonville 5, Sylva 2, Hickory 6, Greensboro 5
-Waynesville's PROPERTY CRIME RATE (Per 1000 Residents) is the worst in North Carolina...
Waynesville 74.75, Asheville 57.22, Canton 59.93, Maggie Valley 47.42, Charlotte 33.66, Raleigh 21.34, Winston Salem 6.5, Fayetteville 34.61, Durham 38.94, Atlanta GA 37.37, Hendersonville 42.15, Sylva 52.75, Hickory 39.48, Greensboro 36.38
Informational Articles about other communities dealing with the fallout of "Soft on Crime" programs such as Pre-Trial Release, Needle Exchange, and Harm Reduction.
https://www.wkrn.com/news/local-news/nashville/i-thought-i-was-dying-woman-hospitalized-after-picking-up-1-bill-in-nashville/ (Could this happen in Haywood County?) (Do any of those 140,000 "unaccounted for" discarded needles, in Haywood County, have Heroine or Fentanyl on them?)
https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/crime/brooke-jenkins-boudin-staffers-fired-san-francisco-district-attorney (San Francisco Citizens are fed up…and have recalled their "soft on crime" DA)
Concerned Citizens of Haywood, Speaker Schedule for the next few weeks.
7/21 Larry Bryson, Candidate for Haywood County Sheriff (D)
7/28 Tommy Long, Haywood County Commissioner
8/4 Bill Wilke, Candidate for Haywood County Sheriff (R)
8/11 Mike Clampitt, NC House 119 Congressmen
We look forward to seeing everyone this Thursday to hear Mr. Bryson speak. Please bring a lot of questions and invite a friend.
Watch out Western North Carolina. The Socialist/Marxist "Vera Institute of Justice", is on the move!
Concerned Citizens of Haywood/ Janet Presson, RN M.Ed. will speak to us this Thursday, 5:30 PM at The Buttered Biscuit/ Vera Case Study (Haywood Co.) Wiped from Internet/ Informational Resources/ Updated Speaker Schedule
Reminder: Janet Presson, RN M. Ed. will speak to us this Thursday, 7/14, about Vaccine Dangers, the importance of being fully informed, and about her son's struggles with his Vaccine Induced Injuries.
**The Town of Waynesville BOA meeting has been canceled for tonight.
The Vera Case Study for Haywood County North Carolina has, for some reason, been wiped off of the internet. However, please find attached a PDF version. This Vera Case Study for Haywood County has been cited many times by Haywood County Concerned Citizens because it highlights overdose deaths and jail incarcerations in Haywood County. It also discusses the NC Harm Reduction Coalition and their tactic of giving innumerable drug needles to local drug dealers in Haywood County. We're fortunate to have a PDF copy of this study. Please find it attached. Read it for yourself, and share with friends and family.
We look forward to hearing from Janet Presson this Thursday. Please find additional vaccine informational resources to study and share. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/study-myocarditis-covid-vaccines-jimmy-dore/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=2acd94db-baf4-40f9-8fc3-ec304b98b1ae (Large study from UK shows Myocarditis after Covid Vaccine)
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35339857/ (New Pubmed.gov Study linking Strokes to Covid Vaccines)
Please also consider reading these well-documented, foundational Books for more in-depth study.
https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2000/02/the-virus-and-the-vaccine/377999/ (The Atlantic's analysis of the Book, The Virus and the Vaccine)
Concerned Citizens of Haywood, Speaker Schedule for the next few weeks.
7/14 Janet Presson, RN, M.ed.
7/21 Larry Bryson, Candidate for Haywood County Sheriff (D)
7/28 Tommy Long, Haywood County Commissioner
8/4 Bill Wilke, Candidate for Haywood County Sheriff (R)
8/11 Mike Clampitt, NC House 119 Congressmen
* Senator Chuck Edwards and Senator Ralph Hise are interested in speaking to us in August or Early September as well.
Reminder: Pastor Bobby Roger (also member of The Haywood County School Board) will be speaking to us this Thursday 6/23 at 5:30 PM at The Buttered Biscuit. He'll be discussing the threat of CRT in Haywood County Public Schools and how we as Concerned Citizens can combat this dangerous trend. He'll also be speaking to us about how our adversaries use Psychological Warfare each day, to damage families and our children. Pastor Rogers will give us "question" ideas concerning our new Haywood County School Board Questionnaire/Survey.
-Also, our Concerned Citizens Meeting for the week of July 4 will actually be held Wednesday July 6th at 6:00 PM in Maggie Valley, so that we can participate in the Rally for our NC House Freedom Caucus. This will be held at the Maggie Valley Town Pavilion 3987 Soco Road Maggie Valley, NC 28751. We, as Concerned Citizens, will have an opportunity to share our questions and concerns with members of our NC House Freedom Caucus. Our Survey/Questionnaire located at haywoodhappenings.org is a great place to start.
-Also, with the Haywood County Board of Education elections on the horizon, please be thinking of great questions to put on our new Questionnaire/Survey.
In preparation for Pastor Rogers this Thursday, please find Informational Resources pertaining to CRT. Please study and share with friends and family.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Zy6DQoRYQw (What is CRT?)
https://www.prageru.com/video/crt-fighter-christopher-rufo-talks-dad-life (Christopher Rufo discusses with Prager U, how CRT affects parents, children, and families directly)
https://www.edfirstnc.org/post/lgbtq-activist-pivotal-in-remaking-the-state-s-new-sex-ed-standards (The promoter of "Gender Unicorn" , Ellen Essick, poised to lead new NC Sex Ed. guidelines)
Concerned Citizens of Haywood/ Our Meeting this Thursday 6/2 will be the Waynesville Police Department Community Meeting at 6:00 PM, at 112 Virgina Ave. Waynesville, NC/ Haywood County Commissioner Jennifer Best will speak to us next Thursday 6/9 at 5:30 PM at The Buttered Biscuit
-For this Thursday's meeting we'd like for everyone to attend the Waynesville Police Department's Community Meeting 6/2 at 6:00 PM at 112 Virgina Ave. Waynesville, NC/ They will be discussing the increase in crime and how they are dealing with it. They'll also take questions....
-Also, next Thursay 6/9 at 5:30 PM County Commissioner Jennifer Best will be speaking to us at The Buttered Buscuit. Please be prepared to ask a lot of questions and bring a friend.
Please find Informational Resource links below concerning Needle/Syringe Exchange Information, Information on the distribution of the prescription drug, Suboxone (also an Opioid), in Haywood County; and a link to Education First NC which is a great resource for CRT in NC and for our questions for the Haywood County School Board.
NEEDLE EXCHANGE/ SYRINGE INFORMATION (This shows that needle exchanges actually increase addiction and overall death from opioids) (Be sure to at least read the Conclusion Section)
SUBOXONE INFORMATION (Suboxone is available by prescription throughout Haywood County and is also an Opioid) (The makers of Suboxone lost the largest pharma recovery case in U.S. History with a $1.4 BILLION Settlement) (It's now abused like Heroine)
https://americanaddictioncenters.org/suboxone/get-high (Abused just like Heroine)
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20450240/ (Intraveneous misuse of buprenorphine (primary ingredient in Suboxone)
https://addictiontreatmentmagazine.com/suboxone_doctors/nc/waynesville/ (Easy to obtain Suboxone in Waynesville)
NC SCHOOL BOARD/ CRT INFORMATION (The link below is a great resource for CRT information in NC and for compiling questions for our Haywood County School Board)
We look forward to seeing everyone at the Waynesville Police Department Community Meeting this Thursday at 6:00 PM and also next Thursday at 5:30 PM at The Buttered Biscuit to hear Haywood County Commissioner Jennifer Best speak.
Forwarded Message:
Subject: Mark Pless will be speaking about NC State Senate Bill 607
Concerned Citizens of Haywood: NC Congressman Mark Pless Speaking at Meeting-tomorrow-Thursday 5/19 at The Buttered Biscuit at 5:30 PM
Congratulations to all candidates from yesterday's election! Yesterday was definitely a RED WAVE. Republicans cast 7,068 votes for Sheriff and Democrats cast 3,743 votes for Sheriff. Republicans turned out 88% more than Democrats. These are exciting numbers and we know Haywood County Concerned Citizens had a huge impact on these results. It's very encouraging to see, but we still have work ahead.
-NC Congressman Mark Pless will also be speaking to us tomorrow about NC Senate Bill 607, which is designed to regulate needle "exchanges" across North Carolina. This will be a great opportunity to learn more about this very important piece of legislation and ask Mr. Pless questions about it as well. This bill is vital to getting the so-called needle exchanges across NC under control. It's not as comprehensive as West Virginia's "needle exchange" bill (WV Senate Bill 334), which is now law in WV, but it is definitely a step in the right direction. This will be a great opportunity to ask Mr. Pless questions from our Questionnaire/Survey, or any other questions that might be of interest. We can discuss with him what our local leaders could possibly do, locally, to implement regulations on needle exchanges; as Butte Montana, Atlantic City and many others have done already.
Senate Bill 334 (Now law in WV)
-Please be considering NEW SAMPLE QUESTIONS for our new HAYWOOD COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD QUESTIONNAIRE/SURVEY and send them to haywoodcc2022@gmail.com.
-We'll also discuss new 3 minute speeches we're planning to address, to the Haywood County Commissioners, about solutions to the current "health safety emergency", which is the abundance of discarded drug needles throughout Haywood County. We will discuss how many other city and county legislative bodies around the U.S. have taken action to regulate needle exchanges at the local level.
-We'll discuss election integrity concerns about NC voting machines. Kay Miller is working on a letter to go to our Haywood County Board of Elections concerning compliance with General Statute 163-165.7.(J) which states "no voting system shall be connected to a network" and "any feature allowing connection to a network MUST be disabled".
-We'll discuss actions recently taken by Surry County NC concerning their voting machines...
-We'll discuss new planned 3 minute speeches to The Town of Waynesville about their proposal to eliminate public comment concerning ordinance changes. That Aldermen Meeting will be next Monday 5/23. This is a huge threat to our ability as citizens to be able to voice our opinions about any proposed ordinance changes by The Town of Waynesville's Aldermen, Mayor, Town Attorney's, Town Manager's, Planning Director's, etc. This is a huge threat to our Freedom of Speech, especially considering how this particular group of Aldermen love to change their ordinances....
We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow/ Thursday 5/19 at The Buttered Biscuit at 5:30 PM.
Planning Board Meeting Recording
Listen closely to the Town of Waynesville's Special Called Meeting at 42.0 minutes, when Planning Board Member Don McGowen tells Town Planner Elizabeth Teage and Attorney Anna Starnes, he was under the impression they were required to change their approval process on large scale developments from quasi-judicial to administrative, which removed the Planning Board's power to disallow a development based on the character of the neighborhood, damage to property values, and whether it could be detrimental to adjacent properties. He asked if they could go back to the quasi-judicial process and Starnes dodged the question and he asked three times before Starnes eventually stated, "I don't know that I want to answer that". Finally, Elizabeth Teague confirmed that towns had the choice to stick with the quasi-judicial process, which allows subjective criteria to be weighed, as explained in the Mountaineer article dated May 10, 2022, Behind the Scenes of Waynesville's Development War.
Elizabeth Teague's decision to remove the quasi-judicial approval process from our Town of Waynesville's Planning Board, which will allow 1000 new Apartment, Condo and Tract Home's to be built in the Town of Waynesville over the next two years, destroying our Hillside Neighborhood and bringing over 1000 new cars into East Street, is a serious issue that must be discussed. Is this the kind of leadership our town wants? Do we want to be like Biltmore Park? Citizens were coming to Planning Board meetings trying to stop the madness only to be told a state law called 160D required it. Now we find out Elizabeth Teage directed the steering committee for the new Comprehensive Plan, to study smartgrowthamerica.org, "The Great Real Estate Reset", which calls for the end to single family homes.
Also, Rob Hites just announced a development ban on anymore approvals of additional new apartments, townhomes, subdivisions, commercial and industrial developments because they've used up all of the allowed sewer allotment per a state environmental order, due to a failing sewer system. The Mountaineer article "Waynesville under development ban due to sewer capacity" states it not only affects the city, but Lake Junaluska and the town of Clyde! It sounds like The Town of Waynesville is in a big mess and the taxpayers are going to pay for a new sewer system for the new 1000 households and suffer the consequences of possibly 4000 new additional people in Waynesville added to a town of 10,000, thanks to Elizabeth Teague and Rob Hites.
Article about planning board powers
Sherry Morgan and Scott Cason have done an excellent job exposing a "misunderstanding" about whether, or not, the Town of Waynesville's Planning Board had been stripped of their discretionary powers. Town Attorneys, the Town Manager, and the Planning Development Directors had led The Town of Waynesville's Planning Board members to believe, last summer, that they no longer could use the "quasi-judicial" process. The same process that had historically been used by planning boards; which gave them discretionary powers, such as whether a proposed development is in line with the character of a neighborhood, or if it might have an adverse effect on the neighborhood's property values. They were advised that the "law" had changed and they could now only use an "administrative process", which basically says they have no "say" in a proposed development, as long as the developer has met the basic planning and zoning requirements. This new "administrative process" simply takes control away from local planning boards and puts it in the hands of the federal and state grant writers and large developers.
The lesson here is that citizens, board members, and elected officials should be more diligent and never rely, solely, on the information and advice of un-elected officials such as Town Managers, Town Attorneys, or Town Planning/Development Directors. It's also important that we, as citizens, send our questions and "questionnaires" to both elected and unelected officials, so that we know their political leanings. Of course mistakes can happen, however political agendas can get in the way as well. Great job Sherry and Scott! Becky Johnson, with The Mountaineer, also did a great job with the article.
Article about planning board powers coming back
Disrespectful questions asked by Socialist/Marxist Chelsea White to the two Democrat Sheriff Candidates at a Democrat forum at the Town of Waynesville Library, Wednesday, April 27th. Socialist/Marxist advocate for Pre-Trial Release or Catch and Release, No Jail, Defund Police snd Low Barrier No Rules Shelters provided with crack kits and needles called Harm Reduction. In Haywood County the Peer Support Specialist partners with the Socialist Group Helping Hands to put people coming out of jail in Low Barrier Homeless Shelter Motels and supply them with crack kits and needles. A better idea would be drug free Rehabilitation.Questions Asked
Don't Asheville our Waynesville!
Come to the Haywood County Commissioners Meeting at the Haywood County Courthouse on Monday May 2nd at 9:00am to voice your concerns about how the Commissioners plan to spend the 5 million dollar opioid Settlement they will receive on May 3rd. Thank you Erich Overhultz for your suggestions to help people instead of enabling with low barrier homeless shelters and distribution of crack kits and needles called Harm Reduction.
Forwarded Message:
We have recently learned that the State of North Carolina will receive a $750 million share of a settlement with some pharmaceutical companies, as a result of litigation regarding the manufacturing and distribution of opioids. Of this amount, Haywood County is estimated to be receiving in the neighborhood of $5 million dollars.
It is absolutely critical that county commissioners hear from citizens in the community regarding how this money will be spent. State guidelines denote that the funds must be used in a manner dealing with opioid abuse, and they have been divided into two broad categories, Options A and B, to decide how to proceed. Option A is set up to allow for quicker distribution of funds through existing social services; Option B is more deliberative and requires more input from a wider swath of stakeholders. As this is an issue affecting the entire community, it appears from my analysis that Option B (although more work) is the option to go with if the voice of the community truly matters.
It is extremely important for local citizens to speak out to their county commissioners about how they want to see their funds used. It is the citizens' money after all. Commissioners need to hear from people outside of those working in the rehabilitation industry using "harm reduction" practices, the medical community bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical industry, and social services. Guaranteed, these special interest groups will be knocking at the door of elected officials expecting their handouts to continue with their practices.
Who do commissioners need to hear from? They need to hear from the homeowner or business owner next to the methadone clinic who has to live with drug paraphernalia being carelessly discarded. They need to hear from the parent who has to scan fields before their child's football practice to ensure that used syringes aren't laying around. They need to hear from people in Hazelwood and West Waynesville who are sick and tired of seeing vagrants in a drugged fog meandering through their neighborhood at all hours. They need to hear from the family members of drug addicts who constantly recycle through failed "harm reduction" programs, who never recover to live clean and sober lives, but continue to live with prolonged periods of addiction and misery.
As for myself, I would like to see those funds used to send those dealing with addiction to rehabilitation centers already up and running out of the area, which are faith based, abstinence based, and do not utilize so-called harm reduction practices. It would give the addict a fresh start by getting them away from their local dealer source.
However, I am but one voice. If you are a citizen tired of your community being ruined by the scourge of drug abuse, contact your county commissioners and give them your opinion. It's your money, and it's your community. Use your voice!
Erich Overhultz
Skyline News reports the drug use camps in Waynesville and possible child trafficking!
We are Concerned Citizens of Haywood County. We are a large non-partisan group of, Democrats, Republicans and Independents who love our county and will do what it takes to keep it safe and beautiful. We've watched as the Socialist Party destroyed Asheville and Buncombe County with LOW BARRIER, NO RULES, SHELTERS, crack kits, needles and safe sex worker pamphlets called Harm Reduction, Pre-trial release, defunding the police, and soft on crime policies. The Asheville City Council and the Buncombe County Commissioners are controlled by a government that follows the Socialist agenda.
We polled 100 Haywood County Citizens and compiled 17 important questions for the candidates running for Sheriff, County Commissioner and Congress. The results are posted above under the Candidate Score Card. The questions were sent to both Democrat and Republican candidates. We appreciate the candidates that responded and question why any of the candidates wouldn’t respond and defend their answer.
An article written by Cory Vallancourt at the Smoky Mountain News, entitled Haywood Commission Candidates, dated March 23, 2022, stated "many of the questions have unsound premises or are based on fallacy, including "Do you support Judge Letts' pre-trial release program?" All of the questions are factual and relevant to what is going on in our county. His ridiculous rant sounds like he's becoming unhinged.
The pretrial release program is a total failure and Judge Lett's implemented the program on a trial basis in Haywood County and it has now become policy. The pre-trial release program or catch and release, is responsible for doubling crime in our county and must be stopped. The Property Crime Rate in the Town of Waynesville, as shown on neighborhoodscout.com, is almost three times the average of the State of North Carolina.
To stop the Pre-Trial release program, Concerned Citizens can write a letter to: The Honorable Chief Justice Paul M. Newby, PO Box 1841, Raleigh, NC 27602. An example of the letter is attached.
Cory Vallancourt attacked Janet Presson, who advocates for vaccine choice and has a vaccine injured child, for asking a question about government overreach and freedom of choice. He also stated the discussion on zoning in the county "should neither have been asked nor answered". Interesting to note, another article appeared in the Smoky Mountain News written by Scott Mcleod dated March 30, 2022 entitled, "Managing growth has never been easy", which disputes Cory Vallancourt's article, and details just how important our county's growth and development are to the concerned citizens of Haywood County and has become a very important issue to discuss in our county and towns.
For example, is it possible to restrict LOW BARRIER, NO RULES SHELTERS in Haywood County by using a Multiple Occupancy Ordinance? Also, the Town of Waynesville's, Planning Board and Aldermen, changed the Comprehensive Plan in September 2020 to allow infill in existing in-town neighborhoods from 6 to 12 units per acre. "The corridor right through the middle of town is where were we're going to up density", said Town Planner Elizabeth Teague in a Mountaineer article. She acknowledged that may not sit well with residents who don't want to see denser housing packed into their established neighborhoods but some give and take is required. Alderman Anthony Sutton is quoted as saying, "I haven't been contacted by one single individual, no pushback or a single conversation from anyone." This was done in September, 2020 during one of the worse months of COVID while people were trying to shelter at home.
The Planning Board has issued approval for 1000 new units of condos, apartments and tract houses to be built in the Town of Waynesville during the next two years. Now the Town of Waynesville has uncontrolled growth with no option to stop it. The citizens have no voice and the Planning Board has no power! These new households could increase the population of Waynesville from 10,000 to 14,000 in two years if each household has four people.
The Town of Waynesville Planning Board even issued an approved for a large apartment complex to be built at the top of our Hillside Community that was supposed to be declared a Historic District! Over 120 cars will be traveling up and down Hillside on a narrow road that isn't even lined! Elizabeth Teague suggested the residents would be required to park off the street! This apartment complex will destroy the beautiful Hillside Community as we know it.
According to an article in Forbes magazine, dated December 2019, Roger Valdez forecasted the government will control large apartment rentals by 2030, eroding the business of private rental property. The Socialist/Marxist group People's Action calls for private real estate to be owned by the government.
UPDATE ON HELPING HANDS LOW BARRIER, NO RULES, MOTELS being supplied with crack kits and needles. The Town of Waynesville Aldermen gave another $8750 to Helping Hands for LOW BARRIER, NO RULES Homeless Shelter Motels who supply Harm Reduction, including crack kits and needles to people coming out of the Haywood County Jail. Also, crack kits and needles, known as Harm Reduction, is given to drug dealers to hand out to drug addicts in Haywood County. Read the article posted below about "The Steady Harm Reduction" from Asheville, working in Haywood County supplying "Harm Reduction" to drug dealers in Haywood County, to hand out with their crack, meth and heroin sales. Our Sheriff Greg Christopher and his jail peer support specialist Rick Marvin, wrote letters of support for Helping Hands which made the public and Aldermen believe Rick Marvin was employed by the Haywood County Jail. As proven by Haywood County Watchdog Monroe Miller, Rick Marvin is paid by the Pathways Center with grant money and was posing as an employee of the jail. Why is our Sheriff Greg Christopher supporting a Socialist group like Helping Hands? www.haywoodtp.net
Managing growth has never been easy
Waynesville, NC Crime Rates and Statistics - NeighborhoodScout
Yup, there are more apartments on the horizon in Waynesville
Prediction For 2030: A Government Take Over Of Rental Housing
Dead ofthe Night Announcement: Agenda Addition by Rob Hites
Why are we using this in Waynesville's Planning Department?
Disguising change? Why does it require disguise?
Democrats intending to vote in Republican primary?
Low Barrier, no Rules Shelters are a failure!
The Pre-Trial Release Program is a failure!
Social Districts in Waynesville?
What's REALLY going on with the homeless and WHY?
Hastening the Fall of Capitalism
Here's what Justice Breyer said about retiring - and his hope for U.S. democracy : NPR
Campaign video about the non-profit problem
Motels being used to house homeless remain a secret
Our Place Inn and Helping Hands
Asheville Protestors not Telling Affiliations
Have you seen the article in the Mountaineer entitled "Motels being used to house homeless remain a secret"? It's no secret The Town of Waynesville Aldermen gave Helping Hands $5,041 in 2020 when they were a new non-profit without any track record of what Nicole Kott planned to do with the Town's money and an additional $7,500 in July 2021 for who knows what. Then The Aldermen of the Town of Waynesville awarded Helping Hands an additional $70,000 in federal COVID stimulus money to be allotted over two years to house the Town of Waynesville's 29 unhoused homeless during temporary emergency shelter conditions such as "Cold Grace".
It's no secret Helping Hands was sponsored by a well-known Asheville Socialist named Veronica Coit who owns West Side Shears, and works with West Asheville's Socialist, occult, anarchist, Firestorm Book Store who pushes Harm Reduction through the needle exchange "The Steady", and works with the Socialist group Beloved Asheville to build tent cities and LOW BARRIER SHELTER MOTELS, and advocates for the Socialist group Asheville Solidarity against Capitalism, and writes for the Socialist/Marxist paper "The Blade". Veronica Coit has been arrested numerous times during revolts for Socialism.
It's no secret Helping Hands is a Socialist group who follows Down Home, backed by the Marxist People's Action agenda of increasing homeless transient vagrants, enabling them with crack kits and needles, to create a crisis so the government can solve it. The group Beloved Asheville and the Sunrise Movement has doubled Asheville's homeless population and doubled their crime, and they advocated for the giant LOW BARRIER SHELTER MOTEL Ramada Inn at River Ridge.
It's no secret that the Socialist Our Place Inn, better known as the All Cops are Bastard's Motel, is a member of Down Home backed by the Marxist group People's Action, who hate police and jails and advocate for social justice for felons and making all drugs legal. They wrote on their public page "We love and support Down Home and social justice for felons". Last year the All Cops are Bastard's Motel made national headlines for their degrading marquee signage and the citizens of the Town of Waynesville and Haywood County would be outraged to discover money given by the Town of Waynesville is being funneled to the All Cops are Bastards Motel to house homeless transients.
The citizens of the Town of Waynesville received a tip that people were being deceived by Nicole Kott's Helping Hands and the money is indeed going to the All Cops are Bastards Motel to house long term tenants with the Town of Waynesville money which is a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER with no rules.
It's no secret Nicole Kott wrote in a public post "Where are my general contractors at? Are any of my friends insured plumbers, electricians, framers, drywall? It's one of the locations we house people. The front buildings need work" and the Our Place Inn, All Cops are Bastards Motel wrote, "Still need to finish renovations on our front building. We've had some new ideas for the project since it's been sitting." The Mountaineer confirmed the motel's voicemail states that it is currently closed and being used as an emergency shelter. It’s actually being used as a long term LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER, not an emergency shelter.
The citizens demanded to see receipts and the Town of Waynesville refused, saying the information is confidential and Helping Hands also will not disclose the motels they are doing business with. The Citizens confidential informant stated Helping Hands only uses the Scottish Inn and the Our Place All Cops are Bastards Motel to house the unhoused homeless transient felons and vagrants. The Pathways Homeless Shelter houses the majority of Haywood County's homeless but it has rules such as no drinking or drugs. Helping Hands Nicole Kott wrote a letter to the Waynesville Board of Alderman and Mayor stating participants were residents of the Town of Waynesville and were able to show ID. We know that's not true because we only had 29 unhoused homeless and we still have homeless living under bridges in Waynesville.
All of this was brought to the Town of Waynesville Aldermen's attention at the Tuesday night Aldermen meeting and they proceeded to award Nicole Kott and Helping Hands more money to funnel to the All Cops Are Bastards Motel. The Town of Waynesville police department is down eight police officers because of the humiliation these Socialist have given our wonderful police. The Citizens of this town and county BACK THE BLUE and we refuse to support the Town of Waynesville Aldermen Board who award our Town money to the disgusting Our Place Inn, All Cops Are Bastards Motel. It sounds like Helping Hands is helping their hands to our Town of Waynesville's money for the Socialist agenda.
Posted below are attachments to read Monroe Miller's www.haywoodtp.net investigation into the Town of Waynesville money being awarded by the Aldermen to Helping Hands, Nicole Kott's Helping Hands and her connections to Asheville's ANTIFA leaders and the Socialist agenda, the real story about the Our Place, All Cops are Bastards Motel and how they are all connected.
Watch the video posted below as Veronica Coit, leader of Asheville ANTIFA is arrested at Asheville Solidarity's march against Capitalism! Watch www.haywoodtp.net for "the rest of the story"!
Asheville Solidarity Network 1
Asheville Solidarity Network 2
Asheville Solidarity Network 3
Money laundering - Follow Waynesville's tax money
Do you want Waynesville and Haywood County to become like Asheville and Buncombe County?
Western Carolina and Waynesville's Homeless Task Force Leader in national news.
Mr. Miller investigating a non-profit, Waynesville, and Maggie Valley. Follow the money.
LOW BARRIER NO RULES HOMELESS SHELTERS, no jails, make all drugs legal, felons to vote and Harm Reduction is on every Socialist platform in the Nation. Social Justice for felons and drug addicts, making it legal for criminals to steal up to $1000 from homes and businesses, enabling drug addicts with needles and crack kits, and pre-trial release programs are at the top of their agenda. This has caused the homeless transient felons and drug addicts to increase, causing homeless camps and an increase in crime, all across America.
Criminals are being treated like victims! Someone broke into Kim's Pharmacy through the drive-thru window and stole all of their narcotics! Wonder why we haven't read anything in the newspapers about this?
Is this the America you want your children to grow up in? They are not moderate Democrats, Independents or Republicans. They are the NEW SOCIALIST PARTY and they're destroying America with their Social Justice, Marxist agenda. They use Socialist Social Workers to fill strategic jobs in government, to open Socialist non-profit go fund me community programs, and they run Socialist in government elections, right down to the County Commissioners, Aldermen, Judges and School Board, to accomplish their agenda which is creating a crisis so government can solve it. Read about Marxist Piven and Cloward's strategy.
The Socialist agenda is a TOTAL FAILURE! Hugo Chavez implemented the same strategy in Venezuela and they're one of the poorest countries in the world now. Asheville and Buncombe County has been taken over by them. It looks like a zombie apocalypse! We need to fight them in Waynesville and Haywood County. Vote carefully in government elections and stand against the Socialist Agenda!
Thank you, Erich Overhultz and Rep. Mark Pless, for standing against the Socialist agenda in Waynesville and Haywood County. Read the article in the Mountaineer entitled, "Homeless Camps under Bridges in the Crosshairs"! Vote for Erich Overhultz for County Commissioner!
Local paper on Haywood bridges
Haywood is still happening and we will keep you informed on current events. Look at the "political alignment" published by Wikipedia for "The Mountaineer Newspaper", which states they are a liberal newspaper. Look at the "Smoky Mountain News" format showing "Tabloid", which is a popular style of largely sensational journalism, usually dramatized and sometimes unverifiable or even blatantly false. We will always document and print the truth backed up by facts.
We have people in our local government who will go along with the Socialist agenda of LOW BARRIER SHELTERS and Harm Reduction to bring in transients and turn our county and town into what is happening in Asheville and Buncombe County! They have doubled their crime and doubled their transient, homeless drug addicts. We will be exposing the Socialist affiliated candidates running in the upcoming 2022 elections. Stay informed and vote against the Socialist agenda! Don't let even one of them get into our local, state or national government positions or our school boards.
Have you been watching the news? The citizens of Asheville have been trying to fight the giant LOW BARRIER SHELTER at River Ridge, so the City Council of Asheville changed the name to PERMANENT SUPPORTIVE HOUSING, to fool the citizens! It's the same thing as LOW BARRIER SHELTERS or NO RULES SHELTERS! The Socialist platforms call for Low Barrier Shelters to increase transient drug addicts and crime, to recruit drug addicts for their vote, to reduce property values, and to run off tourists because they hate capitalism and want Socialism/Marxism. They never mention rehabilitation because that's not part of their plan.
Take time to go to haywoodtp.net and read summaries of the Haywood County Commissions meeting. Monroe Miller is factual and truthful. At the December 6, 2021 meeting, three people spoke during the public comment period, referencing the prior meeting where Kevin Ensley completely avoided the question of a young lady who had successfully completed the Pathways program. She explained the benefits of having a homeless shelter with rules and was asking the commissioners to explain why anyone would want a homeless shelter with no rules? Read the transcript of Commissioner Chair Ensley's response to the three public comments. He admits to having a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER MOTEL in Maggie Valley, which was actually a temporary short term, cold weather shelter, and not a LOW BARRIER or NO RULES SHELTER. He admits he is at odds with the Republican Party views including LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS and HARM REDUCTION, and states his religious views tell him to advocate for these views.
LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS and HARM REDUCTION are a NEW concept started by Socialist/Marxist at the first of last year. They plan to destroy towns one at a time until they have taken over the entire country. Conservative Christians believe the scripture calls for helping people overcome drug addiction instead of enabling people with LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS and HARM REDUCTION that provides plenty of fresh needles and crack kits. Socialist Social Workers advocate for LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS and HARM REDUCTION to enable, but Psychiatrists say rehabilitation is the only way.
Pretrial release, unsecured bonds, no bail and allowing felons in prison to vote are also on every Socialist agenda in the nation. Superior Court Judge Bradley Letts, is leading the pretrial release program in our District along with Sheriff Greg Christopher. California was the first in the nation to do away with cash bonds to ensure people in the criminal justice system are treated equally. This is a Socialist agenda with plans to totally do away with police and prisons and make all drugs legal as their web site "Peoples Action" states. We need a good, strong Sheriff who publically denounces the Socialist agenda.
Thank you to Erich Overhultz for fighting for the citizens of Waynesville and Haywood County! He has just announced his run for our Haywood County Commissioners. He has done everything in his power to stand against the Socialist agenda that has tried to destroy our town and county. He has spoken at Town of Waynesville Aldermen Meetings and Planning Board Meetings against Amy Murphy-Nugen and her Socialist Cares Director agenda, at almost every Town of Waynesville Aldermen meeting against LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS, against the trash that is piling up under bridges and around town and the continuous fires being set, advocating for homeless drug addicts getting into rehabilitation programs and help for the elderly and mental health programs instead of LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS. He has written numerous public opinion articles in the Mountaineer...the most recent being "Are We Citizens or Mere Subjects" in response to editor Vicki Hyatt's article about how citizens should be more appreciative of the Town of Waynesville Planning Board after they voted to increase the number of new housing units to 780 which could increase the number of citizens by an additional 3000 people over the next two years. He stated "what the editor fails to realize is that most criticisms levied toward the Town of Waynesville's Planning Board were done out of a genuine concern for the future of our community". He stated, "The Planning Board shirked its responsibility to thoroughly review the substantial negative impacts the proposed development the Sunnyside/Queen property would have on traffic, infrastructure and aesthetic compatibility". He stated "should all decisions be dictated by foolishly blind adherence to master plans that never were meant to be chiseled in stone" and "citizens who care about this community should NEVER EVER stop speaking out, whether those in positions of power and influence like it or not"! He is a true public servant and loves Haywood County. He wants us all to have a peaceful, beautiful place to call home and doesn't want Haywood County to become like Asheville. The Citizens of Haywood County support you Erich Overhultz!
Socialist/Marxist are creeping into the Town of Waynesville and Haywood County like slime. They have already infiltrated Asheville and Buncombe County with plans to take over surrounding counties and towns. We plan to expose them.
The Congress has been infiltrated by Socialist/Marxist. The Congressional Progressive Caucus is composed of 95 members, out of 224 Democrats, in the US. House of Representatives, and, one U.S. Senator, Bernie Sanders. They call themselves the Sunrise Movement. If you read their national platforms, "The Call" a publication run by the Bread and Roses caucus in the Democratic Socialists of America, Peoples Action, and the Party for Socialism and Liberation, you can discover what their plans are for America. They want the government to own our Corporations, our banking system, and our privately owned homes, no police or prisons, felons to vote and make all drugs legal because they hate Capitalism, which is free trade and how America was founded. They want LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS, or NO RULES HOMELESS SHELTERS, to lower property values, run off tourist and for their vote.
The Moderate Democrats and Progressive Socialist are fighting right now over a 1.75 trillion dollar spending bill that will fund the Socialist Green New Deal and the largest tax increase in American history. The Corporate tax rate will be higher than communist China. Also, if we take more than $10,000 in one year, out of our bank accounts, it will trigger an audit by the IRS. They call themselves Democrats, but this is a new party, the Socialist Party. The Socialists are trying to purge the term, "Moderate Democrats" because citizens understand they're a separate party and they don't want people to know their long-term plan.
Read about what happened in Venezuela when the country was taken over by a Socialist/Marxist dictator and the people revolted for Socialism. They want a revolt so "the people" will run the country but actually the Government will be running the country with a dictator in charge. Moderate Democrats, Independents and Republicans stood up in Virginia and voted against the progressive agenda that includes Critical Race Theory in public schools, and the public school system brain washing our children against parent's beliefs. America has never been so divided because of the Socialist Party. Read "The Cloward-Piven Strategy: Orchestrating a Crisis So Government Can Solve It". The Town of Waynesville Homelessness Task Force Director, Amy Murphy-Nugen, wrote an article about the role of Social Workers in Government to implement Socialism/Communism.
The end goal of the Cloward-Piven strategy is the creation of a political crisis leading to a guaranteed income and complete control of citizens through Socialism/Communism. It states that hard work, education, and personal responsibility are not a solution to poverty. The only solution is a federal program of income redistribution to elevate the poor from poverty. They state that as the crisis develops, the mainstream media would be infested and aggressive organizers from the civil rights movement, and militant low-income groups would be needed. They plan to infiltrate the churches by using climate change, the Green New Deal and the need for LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS to recruit members.
Our local media, the Asheville Citizen Times, the Mountaineer Newspaper, the Smoky Mountain News the Mountain Express and the News Record have all been infiltrated by the Progressive Left Socialist Party. Articles written by Socialist appear daily in these papers. The Mountaineer editor, Tom Lotshaw, either quit or was fired after the Town of Waynesville Task Force on Homelessness Aldermen meeting, where Amy Murphy-Nugen presented her Action Plan for the Town of Waynesville. The Town of Waynesville Aldermen and Planning Board almost implemented LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS and a Socialist Social Worker Cares Director in the Town of Waynesville. The Smoky Mountain News, Cory Vallancourt, wrote an article calling the citizens speaking out against low barrier homeless shelters and a Socialist Cares Director, idiots and uninformed in his Socialist article. Citizens beware...this fight has just begun.
In the past, churches have split over pastors taking a radical left political stand. We're seeing more churches taking a far left Socialist ideology. The Methodist church is pushing LOW BARRIER or NO RULES HOMELESS SHELTERS. Mike Blackburn of First United Methodist Church is on the Town of Waynesville Planning Board and was also on the Town of Waynesville Task Force on Homelessness, heading up the group to implement LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS along with Alderman Anthony Sutton. Mike Blackburn stated in the Mountaineer Newspaper to put them everywhere like restaurants.
Grace Church in the Mountains, Episcopal Rector Joslyn Schaefer was also on the Town of Waynesville Task Force on Homelessness and wrote an article in the Mountaineer stating she had to leave the Aldermen meeting where citizens were standing against the Town of Waynesville being destroyed by Amy-Murphy Nugen's Action Plan. Joslyn failed to mention a large part of the Task Force quit because Amy wrote the entire Action Plan on her own. Fifteen people spoke against Amy's Action Plan and a petition signed by over 600 citizens was submitted as evidence against her action plan. The room was filled with citizens standing against Amy's Action Plan for our town, so Joslyn didn't like the opinion of the majority of the citizens. Thank you Erich Overhultz for your editorials in the Mountaineer Newspaper entitled, "A Different Take on the Homeless Issue", dated October 28, 2021 and also your informative article entitled, "Homeless Task Farce" dated August 4, 2021.
The Socialist plan is to take over towns, by running people in local elections and starting local Socialist Groups like Asheville Solidarity, the Sierra Club, the WNC Sunrise Movement, Down Home, We Are WNC, Transform WNC, Rural Organizing and Resilience, and the Progressive Alliance of Henderson County. These groups call themselves non-partisan but they recruit members to build their Socialist army.
They use Harm Reduction to supply crack kits and needles to their members and drug addict transients through Asheville's "The Steady Collective" on Haywood Street in West Asheville, previously located in the Anarchist, Occult, Socialist Firestorm Bookstore, Holler Harm Reduction in Marshall, and Haywood County Harm Reduction.
A new gathering place for Socialists is opening in Waynesville on Depot Street called SeekHealing- there is no mental health without social health. They will also be supplying Harm Reduction kits. There is no mention of Rehabilitation on their web site.
Waynesville also has a new Socialist Art Gallery called Curatory on Miller Street owned by Socialist Ashten McKinney. He/She plans to have drag queen shows and plans to work with elementary and middle schools by providing art classes. The web site states they choose to feature artists pushing their creative limits- often speaking to social and political movements such as climate change, gender equality, and racial justice.
The Socialist Go-Fund-Me groups, that raise money to build tent cities, recruit transients and drug addicts, and advocate for LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS, are Beloved Asheville and Haywood County Helping Hands. The Town of Waynesville Aldermen awarded Haywood County Helping Hands $70,000 for LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER MOTELS in Haywood County. The Our Place Inn in Maggie Valley, better known as the All Cops are Bastards Motel, also has a food pantry out back and a Go-Fund-Me page to collect money and recruit members. They run a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER MOTEL and they state on their Facebook page they're a member of Down Home.
Socialist/Marxist work undercover, calling themselves nice names to recruit unknowing people with a heart for helping poor people or saving the environment. Have you seen Asheville and West Asheville lately? Homeless people are cooking meth right on the street. Homeless camps filled with drug addicts are everywhere and trash is piling up. Now they're turning entire motels into LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS. The transients and crime has doubled in one year.
The Socialist goal is to destroy towns with the plan of a government takeover. Be aware of what your "school teachers" are teaching your children because some of them are in the "Movement". Stand up America! Don't let them take us down! Vote them OUT in elections!
The Citizens of Waynesville are asking for the entire action plan from the Task Force on Homelessness to be null and void due to the following facts and findings.
Amy Murphy-Nugen Task Force Facilitator was recommended by Chuck Dickson and appointed by the Town Manager and Board of Aldermen as interim chair of the Homelessness Task Force, in the February 11, 2020 Aldermen minutes, until such time as a consultant was hired. Assistant Town Manager Owens stated that since the total salary would be $50,000 (25,000 grant and $25,000 match) the RFP process would need to be followed to select the consultant. Amy Murphy-Nugen was hired in the July 28, 2020 Aldermen meeting for a lower salary of $49,000 so an RFP process of taking applications and interviewing consultants wouldn't be required.
The Dogwood Health Foundation Immediate Needs Grant was written by the Town of Waynesville and denied February 23, 2020. The grant denial was never discussed in an Aldermen meeting. The Citizens of the Town of Waynesville will pay the entire salary which was never budgeted or addressed in an Aldermen meeting.
The Task Force on Homelessness has followed the guidelines set forth in the Dogwood Health Grant since the beginning of the task force and Amy's entire 145 page CARES plan was based on these guidelines, leading the public to believe a grant was approved.
A Homelessness Task Force was formed to address the unhoused homeless in the Town of Waynesville without considering the total of unhoused homeless. The total of unhoused homeless was 30 on the January 2020 count by the NC Homelessness Coalition and 29 on the polling done by the Task Force in 2021. Amy Murphy-Nugen's contract states 15 percent of the homeless population were unhoused, so the Town of Waynesville and Amy Murphy-Nugen were aware of the number of unhoused homeless before the Task Force polling was completed. Based on the January 2020 total homeless of 130 people, 15 percent would be 20 people, which does not support hiring a CARES Director.
Alderman Chuck Dickson should be recused because of his close affiliation with Amy Murphy-Nugen on the Haywood County Smoky Mountain Housing Partnership Affordable Task Force, who also drafted a housing action plan. Chuck Dickson introduced Amy Murphy-Nugen and made the motion to hire her.
Alderman Anthony Sutton should be recused because of his participation in the September 23, 2021 Task Force on Homelessness meeting where he voiced his recommendation to send the Action Plan over to the Aldermen and let them decide on the salary. He was also over the Task Force committee that recommended LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS in the Town of Waynesville. In the prior Task Force on Homelessness meeting the vote was against the action plan.
Alderman Julia Freeman should be recused because of her statement she would vote for anything the Task Force on Homelessness sent over because she was the Director of Reach and her mother started the Open Door.
Amy Murphy-Nugen's contract states under Section 1. Duties, that she would be required to introduce the task force to Federal Guidelines tied to funding a Low Barrier Homeless Shelter. Low Barrier Shelters were never disclosed to the public or discussed in an Aldermen meeting. In May of 2021, the Town of Waynesville Planning Board announced they were voting on ordinance changes that would allow LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS all over Town and destroy the Town of Waynesville as we know it. Planning Board member Mike Blackburn of the United Methodist Church was quoted in the Mountaineer "let's put them all over town like restaurants". The citizens of the Town of Waynesville came together and managed to have the motion tabled, not voted out.
Planning Board member Mike Blackburn should be recused from the congregate shelter definition changes because of his close affiliation with the illegally run LOW BARRIER SHELTER, the Bethel House, and his discussions to recommend LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS in the Town of Waynesville. Planning Board members Bucky Dykes and Don McGowen should be recused because of their close affiliation to Amy Murphy-Nugen and Richard Bates of the Bethel House, on the Haywood County Smoky Mountain Housing Task Force. They asked if they should be recused because they were on other boards and they were allowed to vote.
Town of Waynesville Manager Rob Hites is also on the Haywood County Smoky Mountain Housing Task Force with Amy Murphy-Nugen, Richard Bates, Don McGowen and Bucky Dykes.
Amy Murphy-Nugen's contract, states, she was required to develop, with the Taskforce, a set of recommendations to present to the Board of Aldermen that would serve as a roadmap to follow as the community moves forward with a program for a Homelessness Organization in Waynesville/Haywood County. Amy Murphy-Nugen wrote the Action Plan entirely on her own without including the Task Force recommendations.
Haywood County has approved a Navigator position much like the CARES position that is recommended in Amy Murphy-Nugen's CARES Action Plan. Why do we need two paid positions to oversee 29 unhoused homeless in our county?
Amy Murphy-Nugen is a member of the Socialist group Down Home funded by People's Action that calls for "Expansion of low-barrier housing" on their platform. Socialist groups require LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS, to increase transient drug addicts and felons, because they hate Capitalism, which is FREE TRADE in America, to destroy tourism, lower property values and for their vote. Amy Murphy-Nugen wrote a paper entitled "Now is the Time, Promoting Social Change through Policy Research Teaching and Innovation" quoting Marxist Piven and Cloward who wrote "Orchestrating a Crisis So Government Can Solve It"
Town Attorney Bill Cannon, was silencing speakers at Town of Waynesville Aldermen meetings for exposing Amy Murphy-Nugen's connection to the Socialist group Down Home. He was fired for disparaging political tweets in May, 2021. The new Town Attorney, Martha Sharpe Bradley, was an attorney at Bill Cannon's Law firm from 2014 to 2018.
The Town of Waynesville Aldermen approved a request from Amy Murphy-Nugen to complete a grant in the name of the Town of Waynesville for housing people coming out of prison and putting them in LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS. She listed Down Home as a relevant stakeholder on the grant. The grant was never filed because the Town of Waynesville doesn't have an ordinance for low barrier homeless shelters and the money budgeted exceeded the $250,000 allowed on the grant.
Assistant Manager Jesse Fowler released a Request for Public information from the Town of Waynesville, on September 30, 2021, copying Town Manager Robert Hites and Town Attorney Martha Sharpe Bradley, stating 1. The application made to the Dogwood Health Trust (attached), 2. The denial of our application for the Dogwood Health Trust Grant (attached), 3. Amy’s contract (attached), 4. Amy Murphy-Nugen has not invoiced the town for her services yet, and so the monthly amount she has been paid is $0.00.
The application explained the need for a task force on homelessness stating the Town of Waynesville uses a compassionate approach to dealing with homeless individuals which has created a destination for regional and interstate homeless people coming from all the western counties and other states, such as Arizona, California, Alaska, Utah and Georgia. It states our inability to handle large numbers of unhoused homeless residents is driving them to squat and steal items they can sell for cash, they resort to shoplifting, and businesses are constantly victimized by unhoused homeless individuals. It states the businesses that reside between the two shelters are constantly victimized by homeless individuals that have been refused service by the shelters. The grant was denied by Dogwood Trust and addressed to Town Manager Robert Hites.
The Town of Waynesville has breached their fiduciary duties by failing to act responsibly in the best interests of the Citizens of Waynesville, by not protecting the safety of the businesses and citizens and the property values of the residents. The citizens of the Town of Waynesville are asking for more police protection and jail expansion.
Wording on the Dogwood Trust application, discriminated against the citizens of the Town of Waynesville in a stereotypical derogatory manor stating the community had two camps, the group that view the homeless as a group of society's victims and the group that views the homeless as petty thieves that shoot up drugs and threaten the town's citizens. It states the residents vary from wealthy retirees from Florida to "Sovern Citizens" who don't recognize the legitimacy of the US government and the citizens are angry they're not a carbon copy of Palm Beach or they're angry they must obey State and local laws. "Sovern Citizens" are classified by the FBI as domestic terrorist and they are traced back to white-extremist groups. Assistant Town Manager Jesse Fowler was asked who wrote these words and he stated he didn't know.
Amy Murphy-Nugen has stated to WLOS News a Low Barrier Homeless Shelter is coming soon to the Town of Waynesville. The Planning Board of the Town of Waynesville is revisiting an update to the congregate shelter definitions. A petition of 690 names was submitted to the Board of Aldermen as evidence against Low Barrier Homeless Shelters in the Town of Waynesville.
The Citizens packed the Town of Waynesville Aldermen meeting to stand against and speak out against Amy Murphy-Nugen's Action Plan to hire a CARES Director for the Town of Waynesville. The Citizens of the Town of Waynesville plan to submit a text amendment with the Planning Board, to include in the congregate shelter definitions, to disallow low barrier homeless shelters in the Town of Waynesville.
Posted in the Mountaineer is an article by Erich Overhultz posted in the Mountaineer Newspaper October 20,2021, entitled "Time to End the Insanity", documenting the two page Dogwood Grant that was released from the Town of Waynesville and included with the Dogwood Grant denial letter addressed to Town Manager Rob Hites and also documenting the last Aldermen meeting dated October 12th. Thank you for the great article Erich!
Mountaineer Article on Stopping the Insanity
Mountaineer Article on Beantown
Mountaineer Article on Homeless
The Citizens of the Town of Waynesville and Haywood County packed the Town of Waynesville Aldermen meeting Tuesday night to express their dissatisfaction and incensement over Amy Murphy-Nugen's handling of the Task Force on Homelessness in our town. Fifteen citizens spoke against her Action Plan and not one person in the packed house was for it. She was a tyrant over the Task Force members during the process and wouldn't listen to good recommendations they tried to include in HER Action Plan. They were never given the polling results to discuss as a group so they could form opinions. Amy Murphy-Nugen is a dangerous Socialist who wants LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS in the Town of Waynesville and a Socialist CARES Director to oversee the homeless population with plans to bring in transients because she hates Capitalism and wants Socialism in our country. Remember we currently only have 29 unhoused homeless people in our town. She has written a paper, quoting Marxist Cloward and Piven who wrote, "Orchestrating a Crisis So Government Can Solve It", to bring about Communism!
Patsy Davis from Mountain Projects wanted to give the COVID American Rescue funds to the good non-profits that currently help the homeless, instead of giving it to Amy's CARES plan. Brandon Wilson, from ABCCM, wanted his great rehab center in Asheville included in her Action Plan. He was asking for citizens to write a letter to Amy Murphy-Nugen and copy the Aldermen, complaining about the Task Force not being recognized! Wanda Brooks forced her recommendation of Drug Court and overseeing Judge Letts Pre Trial Release program, which was the only two items included in Amy's Task Force recommendations. The entire Task Force was against her recommendations the meeting before it was approved and half of the Task Force quit, which allowed County Commissioner Chairman Kevin Ensley, Sheriff Greg Christopher and Town of Waynesville Alderman Anthony Sutton, to come to the last Task Force on Homelessness meeting and railroad Amy's Action Plan over to the Aldermen, by announcing they had approved a Navigator position in Haywood County who would work in conjunction with Amy's CARES Director. Will the Navigator position be a Socialist Social Worker or will they hire a person from Law Enforcement?
Posted below is a great summary of the meeting, written by our Haywood County Watchdog, Monroe Miller, who attended the meeting. He posts opinions backed up by facts, which is what we intend to do on this web page. He stands against county government corruption and injustice and backs up his findings with detailed facts. He's relentless but fair. Every county needs a Monroe Miller. www.haywoodtp.net
The Citizens of the Town of Waynesville stand against Amy Murphy-Nugen's Action Plan and we don't trust her or believe anything she has written. We want a NO LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER ORDINANCE in the Town of Waynesville and Haywood County! This is the first step in the Socialist/Marxist agenda and we stand for Democracy and freedom, not government control!
Hot off the press! The Navigator position is coming to Haywood County! Currently posted is a ThruCARE Program Director who will report directly to the County Manager. The position will perform executive level administrative, supervisory and professional duties. They will supervise the work of the Jail Navigators, Health Coordinator and Resource Coordinator. Duties will also include providing guidance and assistance with personnel matters that have potential to result in formal disciplinary action, approving disciplinary documentation prior to action being taken and assisting in termination of employees in all departments. Read the job description posted below. The ThruCARE Program Director will choose the Navigator position for Haywood County, which is much like Amy Murphy-Nugen's CARES Director. Hopefully, this position will not be filled with a Socialist Social Worker. Haywood County does not have an ordinance against LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS.
ThruCARE Program Director who will report directly to the County Manager---------------------------------------------------------
Town of Waynesville Board of Aldermen Meeting, Town Hall above the Police Department on Main Street, 9 South Main Street, Waynesville, Tuesday October 12th at 6:00. Amy Murphy-Nugen’s Task Force on Homelessness Action Plan will be presented to the Aldermen for their vote! Please come!
The Citizens of Waynesville and Haywood County deserve some answers from our Government officials. The entire task force was against Amy Murphy-Nugen's Homeless Task Force Action Plan at their September 2nd meeting because Amy wrote the entire action plan and didn't include their suggestions. A number of the task force quit. At the meeting on September 23rd, Commissioner Kevin Ensley, Sheriff Greg Christopher and Alderman Anthony Sutton showed up to railroad Amy's Action Plan over to the Aldermen. Anthony Sutton's comment was "just send it over to the Aldermen and we'll figure everything else out". The three of them announced Haywood County was hiring a position called a Navigator, who would work in conjunction with Amy's CARES Director, to manage the 29 unhoused homeless in our county. The concern for the unhoused homeless was the reason the task force was formed because the other homeless people are being serviced. They were discussing a salary of $50,000 to $70,000. At first the vote was to do away with hiring two outreach workers and one CARES Director and finally the vote was to hire one CARES Director and send Amy's Action Plan over to the Waynesville Aldermen.
The date was supposed to be September 28th but it's now set for October 12th. Will the Town of Waynesville CARES Director and the Haywood County Navigator be another Socialist Social Worker with plans to enable the homeless drug addicts, by supplying them with needles, crack kits and LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS or will they hire someone who will help rehabilitate the drug addicts so they can become productive members of society and live happy lives?
Citizens of Waynesville and Haywood County, come to the Town of Waynesville Aldermen meeting on Tuesday, October 12th at 6:30 PM in the board room of Town Hall above the Police Department, 9 South Main Street, Waynesville NC. Come speak during the public comments or watch as the Aldermen decide the fate of our town.
The Citizens of the Town of Waynesville have a copy of the Dogwood Health Foundation Immediate Needs Grant that was written by the Town of Waynesville including a letter of denial to Town Manager Robert Hites, dated February 23, 2020. This grant was supposed to pay half of Amy Murphy-Nugen's $53,000 salary, as stated in the February 25th 2020 Aldermen Minutes. Since this grant was denied, are the taxpayers paying the full $53,000 salary for Amy Murphy-Nugen's Homeless Task Force fiasco?
Also, in the February 25, 2020 meeting, Amy Murphy-Nugan was hired as an interim task force facilitator until the legal process of posting and interviewing was completed, as stated by Assistant Town Manager Owens. The Aldermen minutes never addresses the hiring process but states Amy was "selected to be the consultant for the Task Force on Homelessness when it was first formed" in the July 28, 2020 Aldermen minutes. It looks like the Socialist Social Worker chosen for the job was decided from the beginning without going through postings or interviews for the position.
The task force and Aldermen have followed the guidelines set forth in the Dogwood Health Grant since the beginning of the Task Force on Homelessness and Amy's entire 145 page CARES plan was based on these guidelines, knowing the entire time, the public believed half of Amy's salary was coming from a grant. Remember Manager Robert Hites is on the county "Smoky Mountain Housing Affordable Task Force" with Amy Murphy-Nugen, along with Richard Bates, owner of Camp Bethel and the Bethel House, Town of Waynesville Planning Board members, Don McGowan and Bucky Dykes, and Patsy Davis, Director of Mountain Projects. Alderman Chuck Dickson, who recommended hiring Amy Murphy-Nugen is also on the Advisory Board.
Read the entire application for the Dogwood Health Foundation Immediate Needs Grant posted below. It states before February 23, 2020 the Town of Waynesville had two shelters for the homeless and we only had one legal shelter, Pathways, and one illegal shelter, the Bethel House at that time, which was shut down because they were operating as a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER.
The Dogwood grant application states Waynesville has a compassionate approach in dealing with homelessness that has created a destination for regional and interstate homeless people coming from all the western counties and other states such as Arizona, California, Alaska, Utah and Georgia. It states our inability to handle large numbers of unhoused homeless residents is driving them to break into businesses and residences, to squat and steal items they can sell for cash, they resort to shoplifting, and businesses are constantly victimized by unhoused homeless individuals because the shelters we have do not permit drug use or violent behavior. Remember the Task Force on Homelessness proved we only have 29 unhoused homeless people. It sounds like we need to send these people to either rehab or jail, not a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER.
The Dogwood grant application states the result of these behaviors has divided the community into two camps, the group that views the homeless as a group of society's victims and the group that views the homeless as petty thieves that shoot up drugs and threaten the town's citizens. The residents vary from wealthy retirees from Florida to "Sovern Citizens" who don't recognize the legitimacy of the US government. The grant application states the citizens are angry we're not a carbon copy of Palm Beach or they're angry they must obey State and local laws. If you look up the definition of a "Sovern Citizen" you'll find that the FBI classifies them as domestic terrorists and they are traced back to white-extremist groups. If Robert Hites, our Town of Waynesville Manager wrote this description of the Citizens of the Town of Waynesville, he should be ashamed of himself! We are a caring community that wants help for the homeless individuals if they want help. If they want to live the lifestyle they enjoy on the streets, Asheville has a giant LOW BARRIER SHELTER MOTEL for them at the Ramada Inn at River Ridge in Asheville.
Mayor Gary Caldwell stated publically the Aldermen would not vote for a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER in Waynesville, but the minutes of the September 28, 2021 Aldermen meeting quotes him as saying "there are no plans for a low barrier shelter in the Town of Waynesville."
The Citizens of the Town of Waynesville have discovered the Planning Board will revisit the updates to the congregate shelter definitions to change them from no homeless shelters to allow homeless shelters without public open forums or special approvals. This is the same ordinance change the Citizens of the Town of Waynesville stopped in May of 2021. The Pathways Center, Waynesville's ONLY legal homeless shelter, was approved as a one-time exception to the rule. This update would also allow LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS unless the Aldermen give the Citizens of Waynesville and Haywood County a NO LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER ORDINANCE. Amy Murpy-Nugen stated recently on WLOS a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER was in the Town of Waynesville's near future.
Citizens must stand together as a united front against Waynesville and Haywood County becoming like Asheville and Buncombe County! Make your elected officials in your towns and county listen to you! We have our vote and our voice!
Citizens of the Town of Waynesville stand against the Socialist/Marxist agenda because they want the government to own us. Our country has an economic system under which the means of production are privately owned. Production and consumer prices are based on a free-market system of "supply and demand". This system of government has made America what it is today.
Socialism is an economic system in which the means of production and consumer prices are controlled by the government. Socialism requires high taxes and control of businesses to distribute wealth through programs to make everyone equal. The Socialist groups who are taking over America, one town at a time, running their people in your local elections, have a plan to take it all from you! They want the government to control all businesses and Corporations, the banking system, and your homes! They plan to make all drugs legal, no police or prisons and they want felons in prison to vote. They want LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS!
They're not Democrat, Republican or Independent! They're Socialist/Marxist and they've already taken over the City Counsel of Asheville and the Buncombe County Commissioners. LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS are the first step in the process, so look for this to happen in your town and county. They also build tent cities and tiny home villages for transients, drug addicts and felons. Asheville has already approved two giant motel LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS to increase the homeless transients, drug addicts and felons. They bring in Harm Reduction to supply needles and crack kits instead of helping them become productive members of society because they hate capitalism, so they want to destroy tourism, lower your property values and they need them for their vote.
Chelsea White was a leader of the local Down Home and People's Action Socialist/Marxist group and now she has started her own group called "We Are WNC". She works for the AOC plus three, the Sunrise Movement and the Green New Deal, under her group called "Transform NC" another Socialist Group, and is building her army by going door to door in Cruso, recruiting flood victims for her political agenda. The Sunrise Movement has a campaign going right now called "Reclaim Summer", to increase their members, paying kids as young as age fourteen $800 per month, to go door to door to build their power. The Mission Statement on the Sunrise Movement web page says in 2021 they plan to engage in mass noncooperation to interrupt business as usual and win a New Green Deal that isn't about the environment but a revolt for Socialism/Marxism.
Amy Murphy-Nugen, member of Down Home, plans to send her Homeless Task Force Action Plan, called her CARES Plan, over to the Aldermen for a vote, this Tuesday night, September 28th, at the Town Hall Board Room above the Police Department, 9 South Main Street, Waynesville, NC, at 6:00 PM. Please attend this meeting! Our town depends on you!
Amy's CARES plan calls for a CARES Coordinator with a salary of up to $70,000 to oversee the homeless population in our town. Will this person be another Social Worker from Western Carolina like Amy Murphy-Nugen and Chelsea White who backs the Socialist agenda? Will they choose a person who truly plans to help Rehabilitate people and get housing for the good people who need it, or are they going to enable felons and drug addicts and write grants for LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS?
Amy Murphy-Nugen wrote a Socialist manifesto entitled, "Now is the Time: Promoting Social Change through Policy Research, Teaching, and Innovation" dated January 2020. We've posted it below. She actually quotes the Marxist's Cloward-Piven Strategy: Orchestrating a Crisis So Government can "Solve" It. Read it for yourself and see if that's the government you want to run our country!
Watch Socialism- A cultural Prophecy by Dr. David Jeremiah. Socialism/Marxism didn't work in Venezuela and it won't work in America! He describes exactly what is happening now in America and how Socialism/Marxism is creeping into our society. We have our vote and our voice! Don't let this happen in our town and county and stand against Socialism/Marxism in America!
Haywood is happening and the Citizens of Waynesville and Haywood County are just getting started! We're standing up and fighting for Democracy and Freedom, not Socialism and the Marxist Movement that has taken over Asheville! Moderate Democrats, Independents, and Republicans, join us to save our towns and Haywood County! The Homeless Task force has decided to take LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS out of their action plan, but the Citizens of Waynesville are asking the Town of Waynesville Aldermen for a NO LOW BARRIER SHELTER ORDINANCE to protect our town from the Socialist/Marxist platform, to bring in transients to lower property values and to run off tourists. They need votes from the transients and felons for their Socialist agenda. All other towns and Haywood County need a NO LOW BARRIER SHELTER ORDINANCE! That is the first step in the Socialist agenda!
The local Socialist/Marxist "Down Home" group, backed by the Marxist People's Action, fired all three trouble makers and the leader, Chelsea White, wasted no time opening a new group called "We Are WNC". She and Jesse Lee were in Cruso running the show for flood victims at the Cruso Community Center for political gain, until they were discovered and the police put them out. Chelsea has a video on her "We Are WNC" that makes her look like she was coordinating all the rescue efforts in Cruso but her new non-profit wasn't started until two weeks after the flood. She was frantic to find a new group because her income from Down Home had ended. The Marxist Party for Socialism and Liberation wrote a letter of support on her Facebook page but she decided to work for the Socialist Sunrise Movement, the AOC plus 3 and the New Green Deal, under her group Transform NC.
Chelsea White brought her Socialist Sunrise Movement from Asheville to the Waynesville Court House on Sunday, to announce the newly fired and rehired superstar of Socialism, Chelsea White, was running for Congress. They pretend they're fighting climate change but the goal is anarchy for Socialism/Marxism. They hate Joe Biden and they call themselves a different party, but Chelsea White is running as a Democrat against Madison Cawthorn.
The Socialist/Marxist claimed Madison Cawthorn hasn't supported the Cruso flood victims but he was the first government official on the scene the morning after the flood. They claim Madison Cawthorn failed to get FEMA funding but Governor Roy Cooper was in charge of getting FEMA funding. They even claim Madison Cawthorn is responsible for the flood because of climate change. These people will lie like a dog to win!
They were surprised to find the Citizens of Waynesville and Haywood County standing up for freedom and faith! All Patriots are welcome to stand against these Marxist Anarchists! Thank you to all the folks that came to stand up for America! The Citizens far outnumbered the anarchist and cars were passing continuously, blowing their horns in support of the Patriots and waving their flags! It was a beautiful sight! The ultimate win was when the police made the anarchists scrub the graffiti off the sidewalk where they defaced the front of the Court House!
The Citizens are not outsmarted! We understand the ultimate goal of the Socialist/Marxist! They want the Government to own our housing, banking system, corporations and businesses. They want no police or prisons and to make all drugs legal. We will fight for Democracy and freedom and we will win! The Citizens of Waynesville and Haywood County will not vote for candidates who are backed by these Socialist/Marxist groups!
Actual and accurate reporting of Waynesville events shown on this facebook page
Local reporting of Waynesville events
WLOS reporting of Waynesville events
Task Force NOT recommending Low Barrier Shelter
Homeless Task force in disarray
On Thursday night, members of the troubled Town of Waynesville's Homeless Task Force dealt a sharp blow to the group's facilitator, Amy Murphy-Nugen, by voting overwhelmingly to postpone delivery of the Task force's recommendations, originally slated for September 28, for at least another 45 days. Several members voiced their displeasure with Murphy-Nugen's report and action plan, which they felt did not take their previously stated views and ideas into consideration.
Later in the meeting, task force members decided to remove the option of bringing to town a low-barrier shelter from discussions. The very existence of low barrier shelters, which do not require conditions of sobriety, drug testing, etc. for residents, has rankled concerned citizens for some time now; they point to their dismal track record and penchant for bringing more vagrancy to the area. Critics have also pointed to the Bethel Professional Building on South Main Street in the past as an operational de facto low barrier shelter. Complaints from neighbors to police, as well as frequent emergency calls responding to overdoses at the same building address, continue to this day.
Thursday night's meeting, which drew several citizen observers- some carrying signs- can only be described as a huge setback for Murphy-Nugen, who critics felt was forcing her decidedly left-leaning agenda on the Town of Waynesville, regardless of other task force members' opinions. This cast some serious doubt on not only the future of Murphy-Nugen's tenure as a paid employee of the Town of Waynesville, but on the longevity of the task force itself. The task force, and in particular Murphy-Nugen, were the target of a scathing editorial recently in the Mountaineer; the editorial called for town officials to reject the task force findings. After Thursday night's meeting, that outcome might become reality.
Meanwhile, while allowance for low barrier shelters may be unlikely in the Town of Waynesville, citizens are keeping an eye out on what occurs in neighboring municipalities as well as in unincorporated Haywood County. Look for citizen efforts to press county commissioners to pass an ordinance preventing low barrier shelters in the county as well.
Beware of groups claiming to collect money to help the flood victims for our neighbors in Cruso but plan to use it for a different agenda. Shame on these Socialist/Marxist groups that plan to use the money they collect from "Go Fund Me", to build LOW BARRIER TENT CITIES AND MOTELS for their agenda, and give false hope to the good people in Cruso who do not agree with their agenda. Please research the background and length of time they've been collecting money before you contribute to help the Cruso flood victims.
We knew the Down Home bunch would regroup and rear their ugly head again, but to regroup and immediately claim your plan is to help our friends and neighbors in need, is sickening and evil! The leader of the pack, Chelsea White is back and she plans to visit neighbors, door to door in Cruso to assess their needs. She's on a video talking like she has been the person in charge of helping and planning everything and every group that has helped the Cruso flood victims so far, and to contact her Socialist/Marxist group called "We Are WNC" and she will coordinate everything you need. Chelsea is posting videos on Facebook that makes her look like she's lost her mind and maybe after she was fired from the Down Home Socialist/Marxist group, she has lost her mind. Beware of anyone that calls themselves a member of "We Are WNC"!
They call themselves nice names to make you think they are helping people, but they have a different plan. Just read the "We Are WNC" Facebook page posted below. "Co-Governance and Social Justice", we are political but not partisan! This Down Home offshoot plays by the People's Action Socialist/Marxist agenda we've posted below. They're very political and plan to support public candidates and elected officials who give them a seat at the table. The citizens of the Town of Waynesville and Haywood County will NOT support elected officials that associate with this group. We will be following them and post their name often. They're called "WE ARE WNC" Socialist/Marxist group and we know Chelsea White is running the show.
Asheville's "Beloved Asheville" that operates like Haywood County Helping Hands, to build LOW BARRIER TENT CITIES and LOW BARRIER HOMELESS MOTELS for the homeless transient drug addicts and felons, is collecting money on their "Go Fund Me" page for the Cruso flood victims. They also call themselves a nice name to make people believe their only agenda is helping people. Their claim is the flood victims of Cruso need tents and sleeping bags, but only the transient drug addicts and felons that refuse to go to a shelter, live in the tent cities and use sleeping bags.
Helping Hands of Haywood is also collecting money that is supposed to go to our friends and neighbors in Cruso. We are watching this group closely and will post about their activities. The Town of Waynesville Aldermen have bought into Helping Hands of Haywood, giving them $70,000 for LOW BARRIER HOMELESS MOTELS, even though this non-profit calling themselves a nice name has only been in business since the first of last year.
Amy Murphy-Nugen is not including the other members of the Task Force for Homelessness ideas into her action plan. They do not agree with her plan, to apply for a grant that requires a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER model or to hire three people to oversee 29 unhoused homeless in our county that choose to not follow the rules of Pathways. One task force member actually helps run a drug rehabilitation program out of Asheville that accepts Haywood County residents and continues to support them in completing classes at Asheville Buncombe Technical College so they can find jobs and transition out of homelessness. Another task force member asked for the money to be given to Pathway's and the current "good" non-profits that help the homeless population. These ideas are not included in her plan of action for our town.
The Citizens of Waynesville and Haywood County will not stand for LOW BARRIER HOMELESS TENT CITIES and LOW BARRIER HOMELESS MOTELS to be built here like they're doing in Asheville. If the 29 unhoused homeless in the Town of Waynesville are unable to access the Pathways Center they have a giant LOW BARRIER HOMELESS MOTEL in Asheville for them and a successful Rehab Center. We currently have 332 on-line signatures and hundreds of paper signatures against LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS in our town and county! Please sign the petition against LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS posted above!
National news on how communists trying to flip NC
Amy Murphy-Nugen, paid facilitator of the Town of Waynesville Homeless Task Force, is so desperate to give us LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS; she plans to roll out her Action Plan, in spite of all requests by the other taskforce members asking her to postpone it because they don't agree with her plan of action. They have tried to have their ideas included but Amy Murphy-Nugen has dismissed them and plans to add their proposals as a separate afterthought at the end of her plan. Most of them want to completely get rid of her CARES plan of action! A facilitator's job is to plan, guide and manage a group to ensure their participation in the group's objectives, from everyone involved, comes to a mutual consensus.
Also, due to the horrible flooding and tragedy that has affected Haywood County and our beloved Cruso Community neighbors, we don't have time to come to a Community Open House or read her Action Plan on-line, or even try to understand and read her convoluted 146 page plan of action. Everyone in the Town of Waynesville has been affected by the tragedy in Cruso. We have family and friends who have lost everything and our thoughts and prayers are with them now and in the coming weeks and months. Citizens of the Town of Waynesville will be working continually now and in the future to help them rebuild their lives. Our hearts are breaking for them.
Amy Murphy-Nugen does not have Waynesville's best interest in mind and plans to destroy our town with her action plan to build more homeless shelters. She plans to mislead the public by taking the word "low barrier" out of her convoluted public Community Open House Action Plan but her 146 page action plan does include LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS! Her recommendation to build more shelters will open the door for the Planning Board to change the congregate housing definitions and zoning to allow LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS in our town and we won't stand for it to happen here like it has happened in Asheville! We also stand against LOW BARRIER HOMELESS TINY HOME VILLAGES!
They are turning two entire motels in Asheville, The Days Inn on Tunnel Road and the Ramada Inn at River Ridge, into GIANT LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS with no rules! Can you imagine what it would be like to live next door to these places full of drug addicts, felons and prostitutes?
The Citizens of the Town of Waynesville want to make it clear the group of homeless transient drug addicts and felons Amy Murphy-Nugan plans to service in LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS is a whole different group of people from our friends and neighbors in Haywood County and Cruso that lost their homes to flooding. We are demanding that all the money pouring into the Town of Waynesville and Haywood County for homeless needs should be given to the flood victims and Amy Murphy-Nugen's entire Action Plan for hiring three people to oversee 29 unhoused homeless and LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS should be entirely scrapped. We already have the Pathway's Center that was approved as an exception and many other non-profits that are able to help our 29 unhoused homeless on a case by case basis. We don't want LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS in our county and towns!
We had a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER operating illegally in Waynesville called The Bethel House owned by Richard Bates. It was a complete nightmare for the surrounding neighbors who had to watch drug deals and pick up used needles on the ground. Richard Bates also owns Bethel Village. Richard Bates is determined to service these 29 homeless drug addicts and felons, putting their needs over the law abiding citizens of Haywood County and Waynesville and in spite of needles on the ground, drug deals being transacted and even one of his residents trying to pick up a minor. Sex offenders are welcome in LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS. Residents roam around at night looking for something to steal or planning to break into a house to support their drug habit.
At the August 16th Haywood County Commissioner meeting, Commissioner Kirk Kirkpatrick said he has received a number of calls from people asking what Richard Bates plans to do with the previous Hot Tub Store he recently purchased. Richard Bates has assured him he intends to use the property as a dealership and showroom. Richard Bates lied about what he planned to use the Bethel House in Waynesville for and it turned out to be a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER! Neighbors beware of any purchase Richard Bates makes in our county and town!
Chairman Kevin Ensley said if people in Haywood knew all Bates has done to help our county they would be more appreciative of him. Maybe he started out with good ideas for Haywood County but he is pushing LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS now, which will destroy our town and county, and you have bought into it Kevin Ensley! Listen to the Citizens of Haywood County! They don't want what you have planned for them! Kevin Ensley is pushing for Amy Murphy-Nugen to roll out those LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS in the Town of Waynesville for the Richard Bates Motel! The Citizens say NO!
The Homeless Task Force Open House is scheduled for August 26th and the Mayor and Aldermen will vote September 28th. We need everyone to go to the open house or go to the on-line survey and vote strongly disagree to every question except the three questions that ask to leave services as they are. We will post sample ballets. We need everyone to sign the petition against LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS at the top of this page. We need everyone to show up at the September 28th Aldermen meeting to protest Amy Murphy-Nugen's Action Plan and we will present the signed petitions the same night the task force gives their recommendations.
We're giving our Town of Waynesville Aldermen and Planning Board a chance to redeem themselves! FIRE Amy Murphy-Nugen and take LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS off the table in our town! We see the homeless transients coming into our town with their backpacks, wearing Waynesville United Methodist Church T-shirts and headed to the Bethel House! We don’t want them moving into our town! Go back to Asheville and your giant LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS! Citizens of the Town of Waynesville and Haywood County, we need to stand together to defeat this plan of action for our town and county. Your vote and your voice matters!
Bates Property aka "Illegal shelter"
Town of Waynesville Homelessness Task Force Director, Amy Muphy-Nugen is so determined to give us LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS she is going to roll out her 146 page action plan on August 26th at the Grace Episcopal Church in Waynesville from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM. She's a tyrant and has taken over the entire task force and wrote her own plan of action which will destroy the Town of Waynesville. They do not agree with her plan and Amy will not agree to have an option to vote NO to her entire muddled plan of action. WE DON'T TRUST AMY MURPY-NUGEN because she is a member of DOWN HOME which is backed by the National Socialist/Marxist group Peoples Action.
Marxism and Socialism go against our government's way of doing business, which is capitalism, our labor, productivity and economic system. They plan to have the government own our banks, businesses and privately owned housing. Marxism and Socialism argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of a redistribution of wealth from the wealthy to the working class.
The citizens of the town of Waynesville reject Marxism and Socialism, and their plan of action, which is to bring in homeless transients to destroy our businesses by having them lay in the doorways of stores and to keep them under the Socialist control for their vote. Why haven't you heard the option to help the homeless drug addicts on a case by case basis, using the money pouring in from the government to offer them a rehabilitation facility? Any psychiatrist will tell you rehabilitation is the first step for homeless drug addicts, not a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER!
The three local Down Home leaders, including Chelsea White and Jesse Lee, have been infighting with the Down Home directors over calling them white supremacist and trying form a union to fire the Director of Down Home NC. Todd Zimmer. He fired the whole bunch of Western North Carolina Down Home leaders, including Chelsea White and Jesse Lee, who also works with Harm Reduction. They have put up signs in the windows of the Waynesville Down Home Headquarters that read, "Todd Zimmer hoards power within Down Home". "BOYCOTT DOWN HOME"! We're watching for their next move.
Beware of Carrie McBane! She is a former employee of the Down Home non-profit who is running for Sylva Town Council this year. She almost won in 2019 and lost by a coin toss! She will be pushing a Socialist agenda in Sylva. Dreama Caldwell is a paid Director of Down Home NC and sits on the Alamance County Board of Commissioners. They hate police and jails, remove the box for felons on rental and employment applications, and they want LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS! Watch for candidates running for our local elections being backed financially by the Socialist/Marxist groups! We will expose them and we will not support them!
Citizens of the Town of Waynesville plan to Boycott Down Home and all of the Socialist/Marxist groups that have come to our area! We plan to expose them and make the public aware of who follows the Socialist agenda. A National Marxist group called "The Party for Socialism and Liberation" wrote a letter of support for the three fired Down Home former employees on Chelsea White's facebook page. We believe they are over the Anarchist, Marxist, Occult Firestorm Bookstore in West Asheville that hands out needles and other drug needs to addicts through their Harm Reduction "The Steady Collective", and also the Socialist/Marxist group "Asheville Solidarity" who marched against capitalism in Downtown Asheville. Another Socialist group to watch is ROAR, Rural Organizing and Resilience in Madison County that operates in conjunction with the Down Home platform.
Do you want Waynesville to be like Asheville and Haywood County to be like Buncombe County?! The Socialist/Marxist took over Asheville City Council and the Buncombe County Commissioners! The police have been attacked by Asheville Solidarity and defunded by Asheville City Counsel to the point the city of Asheville has lost 98 police officers in the past 11 months and Tunnel Road has become a community of filth, prostitution and violent crime. Now the businesses of Asheville are begging for more police and put up a billboard claiming to back the police and the Marxist Asheville Solidarity group is losing its mind. They are turning the beautiful Days Inn on Tunnel Road into a giant LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER. This is a Socialist/Marxist takeover and we will not stand for it in Waynesville and Haywood County!
Why would elected representatives bring this to our town?
Affordable housing action plan looks a lot like Town of Waynesville Task Force plan
Concerned citizens against LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS in our town and county want you to know we're under a Socialist/Marxist takeover by a Super PAC called Down Home, backed by a radical left, big money Super PAC out of Chicago, Illinois, called Peoples Action! We've posted their current and future platform and plans for your life at the bottom of this page. They want to get rid of private housing, corporations, and even our banking system so the government will own it all. They plan to get rid of police and prisons and make all drugs legal. They are starting at the city and county level and are taking over by using non-profits, social justice for felons and homeless transients, and building a following of people who believe they're helping people, like they have already done in Asheville.
The Down Home Marxist group is here working in Haywood County and they have an office next to the Republican Party in Waynesville! We have local elections coming up this year in our towns. Beware of candidates backed by Down Home and members knocking on your door. Their platform says they are against police and jail, they want to remove the box for felons on rental and employment verifications and they want felons to vote. They're against the new jail and plan to bring in the transient homeless army and put them in LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS for their vote. They hate tourism and capitalism and want Socialism/Marxism.
Down Home and Peoples Action have studied Waynesville and Haywood County and have come up with an action plan to build their Marxist takeover. We have posted their plan of action below! Look at the Down Home and Peoples Action logo on the back page of their action plan. Also read the Smoky Mountain News article we posted at the bottom of this site explaining how Down Home is impacting our local elections. An investigative reporter exposed them in an article entitled "Not So Super", Out-of-state money influences small-town elections. Chelsea Hoglen of Down Home says, "we're a nonpartisan group of course". What a lie! Down Home's action plan looks a lot like the Town of Waynesville homeless action plan and the Haywood County action plan which is Demographics, polling, statistics and what they intend to do to our town and county. Down Home plans to bring Waynesville in line with Asheville as stated in their action plan posted below!
LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS are part of their plan and on the platforms of Down Home and Peoples Action! Government officials that back LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS are also backing a MARXIST agenda! Watch the Town of Waynesville Aldermen, Planning Board and Homeless Task Force to see if they are voting the will of the people or a Marxist agenda.
Aldermen Jon Feichter and Anthony Sutton were backed by Down Home in the last election and Alderman Chuck Dickson hired Amy Murphy-Nugen and is on other housing boards with her. Chuck Dickson was the only one of the Alderman who voted against firing the Attorney Bill Cannon who would silence anyone who even mentioned Amy Murphy-Nugen being a member of Down Home, even when given written proof off the Down Home page. John Feichter has told numerous people he is planning to vote against LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS in our town and Mayor Gary Caldwell also says he will vote against LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS. Surely Republican Julia Freeman won't vote with the Marxist and destroy our town forever! The citizens of the Town of Waynesville are counting on our Alderman to vote the will of the people, not the will of their friends group.
We already know Amy Murphy-Nugen is a member of Down Home and has Rapid Rehousing aka LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS, four different times in her Homeless Task Force action plan! She alone wrote the action plan without the input from the Homeless Task Force. She also plans to hire three people to manage 29 unhoused homeless in our county. She wrote a grant in the name of the Town of Waynesville and listed the radical left Super PAC Down Home as a Stakeholder on the $500,000 grant that would help people getting out of prison find housing and services! The Town of Waynesville clearly has a rule against bringing in a Marxist group to manage the Town of Waynesville in their Employee Handbook and the Board of Aldermen are supposed to be non-partisan. This is a clear Marxist agenda and County Commissioner Chair Kevin Ensley has bought into it, publically backing Amy Murphy-Nugen, LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS and Harm Reduction that supplies crack kits, needles and safe sex worker brochures to prostitutes!
Town of Waynesville Planning Board Director Elizabeth Teague was on the 2017 Haywood County Affordable Housing Strategic plan committee who came up with recommendations that included zoning changes, duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes and 400 to 800 square foot tiny homes, for affordable housing and homelessness needs, and created the county Affordable Housing Task Force that now includes Richard Bates, owner of the Bethel House that was being run illegally as a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER and owner of Camp Bethel on Bean Town Road and his LOW BARRIER TENT CITY, Amy Murphy-Nugen, member of Down Home and Waynesville Task Force Director, Rob Hites, the Manager of the Town of Waynesville and two Town of Waynesville Planning Board members, Don MCGowan and Bucky Dykes. Will Don McGowen, Bucky Dykes, and Mike Blackburn vote against LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS in the Town of Waynesville or will they vote for the Marxist agenda? The citizens of the Town of Waynesville want Don McGowen, Bucky Dykes and Mike Blackburn recused from the Planning Board, from discussing or voting on affordable housing or LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS in our town because of their close business relationships to Amy Murphy-Nugen and LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER developer Richard Bates! Elizabeth Teague is allowing them to vote even though Don McGowen and Bucky Dykes knew they should be recused in the September 21, 2020 Planning Board meeting! Elizabeth Teague, three new affordable housing units is enough, we don't want a tiny home city, and we don't want LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS all over our town!
Elizabeth Teague and town Attorney Bill Cannon, who was recently fired from the Town of Waynesville Aldermen because he was silencing people in Aldermen meetings if they even mentioned the word Down Home, and calling people he didn't agree with horrible names on his twitter page, was hired by previous Town of Waynesville Manager Marcy O'Neal. They were all from Black Mountain and worked with her for the Town of Black Mountain. Elizabeth Teague has never lived in Haywood County. Is she making the right choices, voting the will of the citizens and making zoning changes that protect our property values or does she have a different agenda? Elizabeth Teague's assistant comes to the Aldermen meetings and reads off zoning changes so fast even the Aldermen are bewildered! Gary Caldwell stated in a recent board meeting "that's a lot of zoning changes but if the Planning Board has agreed then lets vote".
Elizabeth Teague has stated on WLOS news the three affordable housing units being built in Waynesville could be for people moving into the area. The Town of Waynesville Manager Rob Hites just stated in an article from the Mountaineer they were for our citizens and Veterans. Which is it? Are they planning to bring in three affordable housing units full of new people or will they offer the units to our Haywood County residents first? We have so many empty commercial buildings in Waynesville right now why aren't they concerned about bringing in new businesses and restaurants? Maybe because of all the government money pouring into our town and county right now for LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS! Maybe because all we have on the Planning Board are low income housing developers like Don McGowan, Bucky Dykes and Mike Blackburn? Elizabeth Teague, How can you have the best interest of the town in mind when all your attention is on LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS and low income housing?
Elizabeth Teague and the Planning Board met during COVID in 2020, when citizens were staying in their houses and not aware of their secret meetings, planning to ruin our town with LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS! Some of the Planning Board members didn't even understand what a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER was and they certainly didn't understand the connections to Down Home and Peoples Action! But Elizabeth Teague, Don McGowan, Bucky Dykes and Mike Blackburn understood! Some concerned citizens against LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS spoke out at the Planning Board Meeting right before they voted to change the definitions and zoning and were able to get the vote tabled, not stopped.
In the November 16, 2020 Planning Board meeting they had a continued discussion of the Board of Aldermen directive to study the Town's schedule of uses to determine if the Board may restrict the number of congregate care facilities such as halfway houses and shelters within a geographical area and the need for emergency, or LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS, and the ways and constraints of religious institutions trying to meet needs. Missing from the town's definitions is an emergency or homeless shelter definition and because it is not expressly permitted, a homeless shelter would not be permitted use in any Waynesville zoning districts. Our Pathway's center was approved as an exception to the rule and brought before the citizens for a vote. It is NOT a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER.
They will revisit LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS and we must be ready to stand against them! Citizens of Waynesville and Haywood County say NO to LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS in our town and county! Leave our definitions and zoning alone!
Down Home action plan for Haywood County
WLOS article Elizabeth Teague affordable housing coming to Waynesville
The Town of Waynesville Planning Board went over their future goals in the last meeting and mentioned they would revisit the zoning and ordinance change to allow LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS in our town. On September 21, 2020 the first mention of changing the definitions and zoning of congregate care facilities was discussed which would also allow LOW BARRIER SHELTERS in our town. Planning Board members Bucky Dykes and Don McGowan asked if they had a conflict of interest and should be recused, because they were on the board of the Waynesville Housing Authority. That's not the only way Dykes and McGowan have a conflict of interest! We have discovered more connections than the Housing Authority!
Haywood County also has an Affordable Housing Task Force who wrote a Strategic Action Plan. The members of the task force are Amy Murphy-Nugen (Town of Waynesville Homeless Task Force Director and member of Down Home), Don McGowan and Bucky Dykes (members of the Town of Waynesville Planning Board, Rob Hites (Town Manager of the Town of Waynesville) Patsy Davis (Mountain Projects Executive Director) and Richard Bates (owner of the Bethel House which was being illegally run as a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER)!
The Smoky Mountain Housing Coalition Board includes Don McGowan, Bucky Dykes, Amy Murph-Nugen, Chuck Dickson, Richard Bates, and Patsy Davis.
Also, Mike Blackburn Planning Director of First United Methodist Church, who administers the programs at the Bethel House that was shut down because it was being run illegally as a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER, is on the Town of Waynesville Planning Board. He was quoted in the Mountaineer Newspaper as saying we don't even need to limit the number of LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS in the Town of Waynesville! "I understand we need to say, here's where these can occur, but we don't do this with anyone else, We don't say, you can only have so many restaurants in a particular neighborhood"!
The goal of the Town of Waynesville Planning Board is to engage the public in future decision-making that protects property values, preserves the historic character of Waynesville and promotes "progress with vision". They came very close to voting in LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS but a group of concerned citizens came to the July 26th Planning Board meeting and managed to get the vote tabled! This would destroy Waynesville as you know it and property values in the whole county would be affected!
The public has lost confidence in the Planning Board's decision making! Don McGowan, Bucky Dykes and Mike Blackburn should be recused from the Planning Board decision and discussion on LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS, definitions and rezoning.
The NC Coalition of Homelessness and the polling from the Town of Waynesville Task Force verified only 30 unhoused homeless people in Haywood County! The same number of unhoused homeless in our county goes all the way back to 2013 polls! This is not a homeless crisis as your government officials would have you believe.
The local homeless people should be considered on a case by case basis, not just all thrown into a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER! The Town of Waynesville is turning the old Haywood County Hospital into affordable housing units. Why can't our local, law abiding homeless people move into these units? They may be on disability, elderly, veterans, a family with children or mentally ill being treated. They may even have a drinking problem, but as long as they follow the rules and don't disrupt their neighbor, they could live in one of those apartments.
Citizens of Haywood County beware! The county doesn't even have an ordnance against LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS and Kevin Ensley, Chairman of the County Commissioners, is an outspoken advocate for Harm Reduction and LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS! He is on the Town of Waynesville Homeless Task force with Amy Murphy-Nugen and denies she's a member of Down Home who is backed by the radical Socialist/Marxist group People's Action, even though their web site has an article about expanding Medicaid that states she's a member.
Haywood county and every town in the county should have a NO LOW BARRIER SHELTER ORDIANCE! We don't want our town to become Asheville! Both Down Home and the People's Action Platform have LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS in their plan to bring in Homeless Transients because they hate Capitalism and tourism. They also need them for their vote. We all need to watch our elected officials and make sure they are following the will of the people, not the will of a small group of their friends.
The citizens of Waynesville want to thank Erich Overhultz for explaining exactly what is going on with the Town of Waynesville Task Force on Homelessness! Even the task force members have spoken out against Amy Murpy-Nugen's takeover and secret plan to bring in the homeless army to our town and county! They said the meeting was cancelled due to COVID but we know the real reason was her devious plot being exposed! Erich's article is posted below!
Homeless task 'farce' | Columns | themountaineer.com" | News | themountaineer.com
Open house on homelessness canceled "due to COVID-19" | News | themountaineer.com
This is the link to the slanted/stacked/fixed survey for so called "public input"?.
This will be the only opportunity to speak out against LOW BARRIER SHELTERS in our town before the Aldermen vote!
The Town of Waynesville Planning Board Meeting is tonight at 5:30! We need as many citizens and possible attending these town board meetings! Please come see for yourself what is happening in your town! The Town of Waynesville Aldermen meeting is tomorrow night (7/27/2001) at 6:00pm! You don't need to speak to be heard! Just attending the meetings will show support against their agenda! Both meetings will be in the Town Hall located at 9 South Main Street, Waynesville. Please come speak on August 5th against the Homeless Task Force Action Plan and LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS in Waynesville and Haywood County!
The Bethel House in the old Belle Meade Inn on South Main Street was purchased by Richard Bates and called the Bates Motel by neighbors because it was a nightmare for the people who lived in the neighborhood. Homeless transients were wandering around their property and needles were on the ground. They witnessed drug deals and lived in fear of someone breaking into their homes to get what they needed to sell for their drug addiction. One of their residents, a convicted sex offender, spoke at the Waynesville Town of Aldermen meeting in favor of LOW BARRIER SHELTERS.
The Bethel House was being run illegally in the Town of Waynesville because they need a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER ordinance so it's rumored that they're bussing them out to a place owned by Richard Bates on Bean Town Road in Jonathan Creek at his Camp Bethel. They are terrorizing the neighborhood by walking on the roads at all hours of the day and night and trespassing on the neighbor's property and the trash is piling up. Thanks to the $70,000 the Town of Waynesville gave Helping Hands of Haywood County, they are helping to enable homelessness in our county. Remember we only have 30 unhoused homeless people in our county. Are they planning to invite more?
Maggie Valley Police Chief, Russ Gilliland, said he had spoken to the residents of the tent city and they were told they moved to that property to not have to deal with police! He said drug arrests have been made out of Camp Bethel. Also, police were called to the area because a man was enticing a juvenile into his vehicle and the man fled from the police in his car and on foot before being arrested for driving while intoxicated. This is what will be living next to you in a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER!
Mountaineer article about Bethel property.
The Mountaineer article entitled "Proposed Rehab Center Offers a Ray of Hope" covers a meeting with a group of concerned Town of Waynesville Citizens against LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS in Waynesville and Haywood County with government officials County Commissioner Chair, Kevin Ensley, Town of Waynesville Alderman John Feichter, Police Chief David Adams, and NC Rep Mark Pless, to address concerns citizens have over Down Home member Amy Murphy Nugen's, Homeless Task Force proposals.
Anyone can see the Town of Waynesville as we know it will be destroyed if Amy's Down Home idea of having LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS all over town is implemented. This is Down Home's plan because they hate capitalism and plan to bring in a homeless transient army, like they did in Asheville. Read Down Home and the Peoples Action platforms posted at the bottom of this web site to see what they have planned for you. Town officials are denying any connection Amy has to the radical group Down Home financed by People's Action, one of the most dangerous, far left Super-Pac's in the Nation. Down Home states Amy Murphy Nugen is a member of Down Home on their own web site! Amy even wrote a grant with Down Home as one of her most relevant stakeholder's who would benefit from the $500,000 grant! This must be stopped and the followers and radical ideas of this dangerous super Pac backed non-profit must be exposed!
Jon Feichter and Kevin Ensley are denying Amy Murphy Nugen has any connection to Down Home. Why? Because she told them she didn't. Read the evidence at the end of this web page and decide for yourself. Amy didn't even let the Task Force know what action plan she was coming up with until she handed it out to the Task Force and they had no input. Kevin Ensley is on the Homeless Task Force and plans to get the county involved in Amy's idea of hiring three people to oversee the Homeless in Haywood County for only 29 unhoused homeless people. Amy goes through page after page of statistics to finally state the number of unhoused at between 29 and 32 on page 85 and 87 of her action plan then she states on page 100 that 25 of those were on Heroin or Meth and on pages 104 and 105 that 18 were felons and 24 had been to jail. These are the people who would be living next to you in a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER with no rules, unlike Pathway's.
Jon Feichter even denied Amy Murphy Nugan's action plan included LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS which is one of three options listed under the housing portion of the draft report! LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS were also offered as an option under the Faith Leaders listening session but Amy doesn't disclose which Faith Leaders were polled. Did they understand what a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELERTR is, what Harm Reduction is, and the impact LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS would have on the citizens of the Town of Waynesville? Read the listening session with the Business Owners on page 111 and the comments from the Residents Impacted by the Homeless on page 115. LEAVE OUR TOWN OF WAYNESVILLE ORDINANCES THE WAY THEY ARE! The citizens have spoken!
NC Rep. Mark Pless is exploring ways to open a nonprofit drug treatment center in Haywood modeled after Healing Transitions in Raleigh which does give a ray of hope for our county, but it also offers a low barrier option for homeless staying overnight at the facility, so it would need to be somewhere in the county besides Waynesville since the current ordinance doesn't allow LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS.
Our government officials and Amy, would have us believe we have a homeless crisis but read pages 33 through 36 in Amy's action plan where she compares the January 2020, NC Homeless Coalition counts to current figures in our county and the numbers were down in every category, so she "guesses" the homeless must be hidden and makes the estimation herself from 133 to 253 on page 34.
The Task Force on Homelessness, or Amy's action plan, is posted below. Please take the time to understand what's going on in your town and county because if this action plan is implemented, you can't go back and fix it.
Meetings coming up include:
Proposed action plan. One perspective of the action plan. Proposed modeled after this organization.
The Town of Waynesville Planning Board has announced a Special Called meeting Monday, July 26th at 5:30 located at 9 South Main Street, Waynesville. No agenda is posted at this time. This is the first public meeting since concerned citizens spoke against a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS ordinance change that would allow them almost anywhere in our town. Not one person in attendance was for LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS in Waynesville or Haywood County. The ordinance change was tabled, not voted against. Please come to this meeting and be prepared to speak against LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS that would bring in transients and turn our town into Asheville!
We're Citizens of Waynesville and Haywood County against LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS in our town and county! Attached is the Community Action Plan presented by Amy Murphy Nugen, paid facilitator of the Town of Waynesville Homeless Task Force. The action plan states the number of current unhoused homeless at 29, unchanged from the NC Homeless Coalition figure of 30 unhoused homeless in our entire county as of January, 2020. Another thing to note on the action plan is the mention of LOW BARRIER HOUSING in the comments from some of the group meetings. When citizens of the town and county understand what the definition of a true LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER is they are mind blown that our town and county officials would even consider such an option. Everything on this Community Action Plan points to needing a REHABILITATION OPTION in Haywood County. Also, 100 percent of the homeless people polled said they would take advantage of affordable housing if offered and the Town of Waynesville is currently building three Affordable Housing Projects. Let your town officials know we want our Haywood County residents to be the first on the list for the new Affordable Housing units. We don't have a homeless crisis here in Haywood County and we sure don't need a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER anywhere in our county or town that would invite transients to come. Please come make a stand against LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS at the August 5th Community Open House between 5:00 and 8:00 at the Waynesville Recreation Center Community Meeting Room, 550 Vance Street, in Waynesville to tell your government representatives you're against LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS in your town and county. Also, to give other options such as a good Rehabilitation Center for our family and friends and to help these 29 unhoused people on a case by case basis. Every person has different needs. Don't throw them all into a LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER! Posted below is an article written by the Town of Waynesville Police Lt Tyler Trantham that needs to be shared by all. He is against LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS but he has a heart for helping the homeless out of their situation on a case by case basis.
Proposed action plan. Tyler Trantham: Homelessness Objectively.
Welcome friends and neighbors! We're concerned citizens against LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS in our towns and county. Our government officials are planning to force LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS on our children, elderly, and our unsuspecting law-abiding citizens! Please read this web page and attachments to understand who is behind this corruption! A group of concerned citizens spoke out against LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS at the last Town of Waynesville Planning Board Meeting and the vote was tabled, but they will have another public forum, so please come protect our beautiful Town of Waynesville. We will post the date and time.
Also, please come to the Task Force on Homelessness Community Open House on Thursday, August 5th, between 5:00 and 8:00 to speak out against LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS in our town and Haywood County at the Waynesville Recreation Center Community Meeting Room, 550 Vance Street in Waynesville.
The Task Force Director has $1.9 million to spend in addition to the $500,000 she has requested from the Aldermen, so come with other suggestions, such as a rehab facility, subsidizing rent for people close to being evicted, or giving money to our Pathways Center. We have less than 30 unhoused homeless in our county that could be helped on a case by case basis. Most of them wouldn't want to go into a LOW BARRIER HOUSING FACILITY along with prostitutes, drug addicts and felons.
A LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTER called the Bethel House was being run illegally in Hazelwood and the law abiding neighbors came to the Planning Board meeting to tell their horror stories of needles in their yards, drug trafficking and homeless in their yards and even on their porches. They came in tears...an elderly lady on a walker, a business owner, a mother with children, to beg them to listen to their nightmare of living next door to a LOW BARRIER SHELTER. They were in fear they would come in their homes at night and take what they wanted so they could buy their drugs. We won't stand for our town to turn into Asheville, our homes to be devalued, and our town to be overrun by homeless transients. Say NO to LOW BARRIER SHELTERS in our towns and Haywood County!
Here are the recommendations from the task force including recommending low barrier shelters!---------------------------------------------------------
We started this web page because we're concerned citizens against LOW BARRIER SHELTERS in the Town of Waynesville and Haywood County. This is a new concept that started being implemented around 2019. They provide housing to homeless transients with no restrictions or rules, no ID, background checks or curfews, do not require sobriety or rehabilitation programs of any kind, registered sex offenders are allowed, and a group called harm reduction provides safe sex workers brochures on how to have safe sex and they actually hand out safe crack user kits to addicts. The first low barrier shelter was shut down quickly because of fights, public urination, defecation, public sex and open drug use. The closest one to us, besides Asheville, is in Charlotte. The Town of Waynesville currently has an ordinance against homeless shelters but they're planning to allow LOW BARRIER SHELTERS all over town, near neighborhoods, playgrounds and schools. Currently, we don't have a homeless problem. The poll taken by the NC Coalition to End Homelessness in January 2020 showed only 30 people were unhoused. Currently, the Town of Waynesville Homeless Task Force is having a hard time finding 30 unhoused homeless people to poll.
We discovered Amy Murphy Nugen, the Homeless Task Force director, who was paid $53,000 by the Town of Waynesville Aldermen to head the Homeless Task Force, is a member of Down Home. It says so on their web site. She has a far left radical agenda for our town to match the Down Home ideology, which is to destroy capitalism and social justice for felons. Down Home's Platform states they want LOW BARRIER SHELTERS, remove the questions for felons on employment and housing applications, get rid of prisons and no pre-trial bail. Amy Murphy Nugen also tried to file for a $500,000 grant in the towns name, for helping criminals get into programs and find housing when they're being released from prison and she named Down Home as a relevant stakeholder who would benefit from the grant money. Google the super Pac who funds Down Home called People's Action. They intend to do away with our current banking system, corporations and businesses, social justice for felons, no prisons, no police, legalize all drugs, and build a new economy where the government owns banks, businesses, homes and land, because they think they're forming a new, happy equal society. Does that sound like communism to you?
Asheville is doing the same thing with low barrier housing. It took a year of bringing in transients to sleep in the doorways of stores and protests to ruin their tourism. We have to stand up against this in our small towns and county or the place we love will look like Asheville. Come to the Town of Waynesville Planning Board, Homeless Task Force and Aldermen meetings to hear what they have planned for YOUR TOWN! We don't want LOW BARRIER SHELTERS in our county or town. The Town of Waynesville's Task Force on Homelessness is having their first open meeting since COVID Thursday, July 8th at 5:30 PM, in the Waynesville Town Hall Meeting Room, 16 South Main Street. Come hear what they're planning so you can be prepared to stand against LOW BARRIER SHELTERS in our town on Thursday, August 5th at the Community Open House, where Amy Murphy Nugen will disclose how she plans to spend $500,000 of our town's money and an additional 1.9 million dollars designated for housing and to support people who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness.
Who is facilitating the Homeless Task Force entity and how?.---------------------------------------------------------
The Town of Waynesville's Task Force on Homelessness is having their first open meeting since COVID! They are planning to give us LOW BARRIER SHELTERS which will invite unknown transients, drug addicts and felons into our town to stay in shelters with no rules. Come listen to the face-to-face meeting Thursday, July 8th at 5:30 PM as the Task Force on Homelessness discusses how to spend money helping the residents of our town, or do they want to spend money intended for our residents on a LOW BARRIER SHELTER and transients?
As you can see from the meeting minutes on June 3rd, Amy Murphy Nugan, who was paid $53,000 to head the Task Force on Homelessness, is asking for $500K over the next two years and there is an additional $1.9 million to be used to support people at risk or experiencing homelessness. Come listen to her recommendations so you can be prepared to speak at the public Community Open House on August 5th.
This is what is being planned for the July 8 meeting.---------------------------------------------------------
The Town of Waynesville is addressing the need for more affordable housing . They currently have three affordable housing projects being built in the Town of Waynesville. The citizens of Waynesville and Haywood County STAND AGAINST LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS ALL OVER OUR TOWN. The Planning Board for the Town of Waynesville was discussing low barrier shelters during CIOVID and held the first open public meeting in May of 2021 to vote it in. Concerned citizens of Haywood County managed to have it tabled ... not ended. Look for us to post the next Planning Board Meeting and the Homeless Task Force public comments. Please stand up to protect our town and county. Why aren't they concerned about the numerous empty commercial buildings in town? Where are the new restaurants and businesses?
We, the citizens of Haywood County, decided we needed a media outlet that would expose the truth about what is really going on behind the scenes in Haywood and surrounding counties. The newspapers and media won't give you the true facts. This page will interest moderate Democrats, Independents and Republicans, who want real answers to the questions about why Asheville has lost most of their good police department, where all the homeless panhandlers and tent cities have come from and why we have social justice for drug addicts and felons all of a sudden.
We are being taken over by a very far left group of people who believe in things like, no jails, no police, making all drugs legal, getting rid of our current banking system, corporations and businesses, and even our privately owned housing, so the government will own them and make us an equal society. Our government is being taken over from the inside, playing on the heartstrings of good people of all races and genders, to give money to support the homeless of our counties and towns but in reality they are intent on bringing in a transient army because they hate capitalism and need their vote in elections. They are after our tourism and businesses. They are infiltrating all elections, even in the smallest of towns to bring about their agenda. They started in Asheville and West Asheville and plan to spread like a virus to our counties using the horrible death of George Floyd and a year of COVID, to give us social justice for what we don't want...Socialism.
Many of you will say this will never happen in America but it is already happening all across America and it is happening right here in Haywood County, Jackson County and Madison County. This page is for people who love America and are not afraid to say we're proud of our country and our veterans who have lived and died to preserve our Democracy. We want to teach our children the good things about our heritage and the truth about the bad history that none of the good people of this country believe in. This page is about unity instead of division and the hope that, if we stand together, we can get back to what the majority of people believe and desire, a happy life without hate. America is a country where all races of people can have success if they want to work toward their goal of a family, a good job and a place to call home. We believe in helping people who are going through a rough time in their life, but the goal is always to do better, not to enable. America has social programs we all agree are needed but that is much different than a true Socialist country that dictates every part of your life and taxes you to death. America's truth is freedom isn't free and we're the only true Democracy left in the world. If you love the way you grew up, this page is for you and we plan to expose the truth.
The name of the Socialist group in Haywood County is called Down Home North Carolina. They call themselves warm fuzzy names and say they're non-partisan. They say they want to help poor people and farmers and they study the minds of our people to find a way into our hearts and minds. This is a dangerous group. They're paid by big, out of state radical super PAC's and you need to be aware of their true agenda. Their platform talks about good things like helping the environment, supplying internet to remote areas, good health care and stopping racism...things good people want to support, but they're also for allowing felons to vote, remove the box for felons on rental and employment applications and getting rid of prison and policing. They are also for LOW BARRIER SHELTERS. The super PAC that supports them will scare you with their plan for your life. Below are links to Down Home's platform and one of the super PAC's that support them People's Action. Please read them in detail and make your own decision. We have proof they have already infiltrated our Town of Waynesville government. Buncombe County and Asheville is already infiltrated. Do you want your home to look like Asheville? Please join our cause to stop LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS all over our town and county.
We have posted a link to the most recent poll of unhoused homeless in every county in North Carolina from the NC Coalition on Homelessness in 2020. Haywood County only had 30 unhoused homeless people and we have fewer than 30 today. We don't have a homeless crisis and we have agencies in place to help the people who want help, on a case by case basis. We already have a good homeless shelter in Haywood County, the Pathway's Center, that has rules to keep our county and the people who stay there safe. The government of the Town of Waynesville decided they would change the town ordinance from no homeless shelters to allowing LOW BARRIER SHELTERS all over town. They posted the first public Planning Board Meeting after COVID to vote it in. A group of good citizens came together at that meeting to speak out against it and it was tabled...not voted against. We will post the next Planning Board Meeting so more citizens can stand with us against LOW BARRIER SHELTERS in our town. The Pathway's homeless center was approved as an exception to the rule. Down Home plans to place LOW BARRIER HOMELESS SHELTERS over Waynesville and everywhere else in our county and surrounding counties, including tent cities. They oppose the new jail because they don't believe in jail or police. The Our Place Inn in Maggie Valley who just posted "All Cops are Bastards" on their sign are members of Down Home. The Harm Reduction who supplies needles, safe sex workers brochures and safe crack smoking kits are members of Down Home and the Helping Hands of Haywood are members of Down Home. We will be posting links to each group for you to study and decide on your own if you support or agree with the way our town is slowly being transformed into Asheville.
This page is for citizens who say no to changing our way of life and the lives of our children and grandchildren. We want to protect our town and the citizens of our town, so we will be posting meetings of the Aldermen, Commissioners, Planning Board and Homeless Task Force in the Town of Waynesville and surrounding counties as we see this group trying to insert their agenda, so you can come to the meetings and let your government know the will of the majority. Stay informed and alert! We are posting the truth! They have an unlimited amount of money...we have our vote and our voice.
Down Home North Carolina Haywood 2020 Platform
Down Home IS impacting our local elections
People's Action
People's Action Platform
People's Action Long-Term Agenda
Only 30 unsheltered people in the entire county of Haywood
Harm Reduction describes how to smoke crack more safely
Harm Reduction describes how prostitutes can be more safe
"Not a single person at the public hearing spokes in favor of the zoning proposal on the table."
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.